Steem Guild开始关注CN区了. Announcing Steem Guild “CN”.

in #cn8 years ago (edited)


Steem Guild 是一个新鲜出炉的新项目,通过点赞的方式,来支持Steemit平台上,不断贡献高品质内容的“资深作者”, 让他们得到平台的持续关注。


这个项目由Steemit的CEO Ned Scott作为背后支持,捐赠他的投票权给Steem Guild团队。

现在Steem Guild团队 开始关注CN区了!

下面是 Steem Guild 团队提供的审核要求:

  1. 您持续为Steemit平台提供优质的文章。

  2. 内容为原创,没有抄袭或用材料重组文章。

  3. 您的文章收益过少。(少于您文章收益的平均水平)

  4. 在Steemit上找不到雷同帖子。

  5. 不是争论或诋毁他人的帖子。

  6. 没有过激的言论,或者偏执的观点。(在政治方面)

  7. 不是只有一张照片。

  8. 如果需要用到非原创的句子、照片和视频,必须提供引用的来源。

  9. Steem Guild每天点赞——每天1篇/作者。

  10. 您在Steemit平台上发帖至少1-2月时间。

Steem Guild 团队主创人员:
Ned @ned
Tom @donkeypong
Adil @the-alien
Gavvet @gavvet
Brian @hanshotfirst
Jason @jrcornel
Celia @coinbitgold
Rob @justtryme90
Jam @jamtaylor
Pfunk @pfunk

Celia @coinbitgold和我将作为CN区协助观察员的身份,为 Steem Guild团队推荐优质文章。

由于CN区目前的每日活动用户和文章还不太多,我通过与Steemit Guild团队成员的交谈,决定为CN区稍稍放宽政策。



现在的CN区还是一个小婴儿,一切都有待发展和改善,这需要朋友们携起手来,为CN区提供更多不同类型的高质量文章,让我们共同关注Steemit CN区的成长,为CN区的美好未来献出自己的一份力量!

Dear Steemit CN friends:

I have good news for you guys, I know some of the CN members of the community are foreigners working and living in China so I've written this English part as well.

Steem Guild is a new project to help support established authors who have persisted in creating high quality content on Steemit but still require some help transitioning from curie who mainly focus on new contributors. Steem Guild's initial primary focus will be on the Science / Technology and Foreign language posts.

The Steem Guild project is supported by the CEO of Steemit, Ned Scott who has kindly donated his voting power to help with the curation of Steem Guild. For a more detailed description of the Steem Guild's goals and it's guidelines, please check the official Steem Guild Announcement.

Steem Guild team are now curating CN now!

In order to help our long term contributors, I have teamed up with Celia @coinbitgold in curating quality content in the CN community.

I've been a member on Steemit for more than 2 months now. Aside from preparing my own content and sharing with everybody Steemit, I think Steemit has opened a door for me to explore the world. Not only have I made friends from all over the world, i've also read many distinguished articles from great authors helping me expand my knowledge of many different cultures as well as a plethora of other subjects.

Recently, Steemit has launched a new function that allows people to register with SMS Verification. This of course is a welcome addition to the Chinese community, because it enables the majority of Chinese people to register an account without having to jump through many hoops.

I have continued to introduce my friends to Steemit and yet the retention has not been as great as expected. There are of course great articles being posted in CN all the time, and many authors who contribute good valuable content on a regular basis but have yet to find some reward for their work. Of course, I'm worried for the future of CN and that is why i'm going to try my best to help curate good content in the CN community on behalf of Steem Guild.

Steemit CN is still a baby, but it has massive potential to blossom into a buzzing community

Let's work hard together to make the CN community thrive! I look forward to helping the CN community grow and it's authors be rewarded for their contributions!


Awesome so glad you are going to help out our CN community! I hope we can soon expand to assist other non English communities as well! They are all a part of what makes steemit so great, and will be a large part of why this platform will achieve amazing things! I hope steemit can truly be a melting pot for content generated by people from all countries, and speakers of all languages.

Yes! I totally agree, and i'm honored to have this opportunity to help out in some way. When I first came, the CN community seemed more active than it is today, I really hope with this initiative we can get it back to how it was, and even more!
༼✿ @sweetsssj



It is incredibly exciting to see the project grow. Thank you team CN!

You are one of the best CN authors. It is fair that you will face of Steem Guild CN.

Thanks for being a CN supporter vi1son!
༼✿ @sweetsssj



我只能说是现在 亡羊补牢,为时不晚,再不重视宣传和市场,币价跌去哪里,可能会更低





༼✿ @sweetsssj

You're welcome!
