No | Project Title (can be general scientific field title, it is fine without exact title) | 中文翻译 | 关键词 | Impact Factor (IF) | Type (Original article, review or meta analysis) | Available authorships | Status of project (not started, on-going, paper writing, ready to submit) | researchers | 时间 | 摘要 | |
153 | Ieprtvoect fteefc fo uatcoinlb ofaticnr fo nidmeuilph rmuaibnounn no strecouf iddmtaee ecolimbat tsnaolartie ni stra | 飞燕草丁醇组分对果糖介导的大鼠代谢改变的保护作用 | 代谢改变 | 1-Ebf | ioailrng triaelc | Lla sitoosnpi | Yedar ot butsmi | Emgareal+Danamc | 7/29/2021 | ||
154 | Aaiacc eaiuimoqcntj Ebhtn. Sntrvepe tbmaiolce lerioantast dna teteuantsa pitsenhroyen ideucnd yb rutcefos ni Esugarp ywelad tars. | 相思 umitecnaiojq Btenh。 在 Prgaues Yadwle 大鼠中防止代谢改变并减轻果糖诱导的高血压。 | 代谢改变,高血压 | 1-Bfe | ioirgnla aiceltr | ngodcrrpisneo hrtaou | Ayder ot mibstu | Glaemaer+Dcnaam | 7/29/2021 | ||
155 | Itriehenvspnyeat dna aalotvaexrns ftsecef fo Ucirst ftiuaaolrnai Inln. ufrti: rpeosdpo hcmsimnase | Istucr flaotuniraai Nnil 的抗高血压和血管舒张作用。 成果:提议的机制 | 抗高血压、血管舒张剂 | 2-Rma | roiilnag ecralit | rfsti routah | Reyda ot misutb | Regmaale+Naadcm | 7/29/2021 | ||
156 | Ggidnnise a Trehe-Aelry Ckab Oioptpnaagr Ailifcaitr Rnulae Nkworte fro Rsbaet Amertomrhg Cilsaicitfasno | 设计用于乳房热像图分类的三层反向传播人工神经网络 | 2-Ram | Igarnloi etrcila | Raedy ot uistmb | Eaaysh+Kaprtic | ####### | ||||
157 | Aeoptlnit fo EFA2 nxpoessrei sa a osdiatcgin nda psoocginrt aremrk rof ervli nad lgun ccnrae | AEF2 表达作为肝癌和肺癌诊断和预后标志物的潜力 | 肝癌和肺癌 | ‘1-2’ | Lgaoriin aceritl | Lal itnpsoio orf alroarbtclo | Edrya ot umsitb | Haonso+Tpcraik | ####### | ||
158 | Litainin ealatsvile iaaywr fnnaiimoaltm ni a bvmnuloia-hangelcdle illraceg taamhs ni miec hgtuohr iugomdaltn hte Ht2 sckoiynte adn GFT β1/Msad yapawht | ‘’3-5 | Nilogria lterica | Lla opitoins orf catorllrboa | Yader ot mistub | aurl | 3-Uag |
浙江大学 生物工程研究所 博士后
Dr Lin Yu Kiat
Research focus: Production and Purification of Cyclodextrins
7 SCI Journal Papers during Postgrad
- 共同创始人
Jul 2020 - Present
中国 山东省 济南
- 区域经理
Jun 2014 - Dec 2016
2011 - 2014山东师范大学
2007 - 2011
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