An older lady in the supermarket was pushed to the floor for 2 pints of milk by a man who wanted them, he took them out of the ladies hand while she was lying on the floor. Another man punched him in the face and gave the lady her milk back. Crazy Right?
Good to know you are taking measures to cope with the virus. From the experiences we have suffured in China, you can do your best to greatly reduce the chance from being infected by the virus. Such as stay home as much as possible, wash you hands each time back home, have good rest, avoid short distance contact with other people, check your body temperautre each day, etc.
One problem for me is that it seems many especially young guys in western world do not take the virus seriously, the ignorance of virus (some governments even take it as another type of flu) but too much focus on the self freedom may expose yourself to the damn virus, which is so easy to spread and catch you.
Google also offers “Do the five” tips:
- Hands. Wash them often
- Elbow. Cough into it
- Face. Don’t touch it
- Feet. Stay more than 3ft apart
- Feel sick? Stay home
So trust yourself and take mearsures scientifically, and do not expect to much from your government.