an article describes one very interesting point in Italian language, which illustrates the reason why September, October,November and December in Italian (settembre, ottobre, novembre and dicembre) have the radical sette, otto, nove and diece (means seven, eight, nine and ten in English), but means ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth month in the year. The relation among these words and radicals are shown in the below figure.

Roman Calendar! The first two legendary early kings Romulus and Numa, they set the romulus calendar and numa calendar, which has 10 and 13 months individually. In these two calendars, the September, October,November and December are real seventh, eighth,ninth and tenth month in one year. Until 46 BC, Julius Caesar reorder the calendar from the advice of Sosigenes, invent the Julian Calendar that is our calendar we used until now.@breathewind has already shown the reason why these two months gap emerges. Just because the
I am wondering if my Italian friends know this story, so I ask them this question to see their feedback.
The first one seems he also doesn't know the story behind these words, I suppose he answered me after checked or asked some others. More exaggerated, he never thought about it...
The second one, he is like the first one, also never thought about this issue, and it seems that they found the answer from the same place XD!
The third one, this boy knows this point, so he replied me very quick.
The fourth one, he even didn't answer my question... so we can think he also doesn't know this.
The last one, he also know the story but not sure...
So there are five Italian people answer my question, one failed, one know this story, another one not sure about this, the last two first time realize this issue... When I got their feedback, actually I was thinking maybe there are also some interesting story in Chinese languages that I missed them, maybe I should go to find them XD, in case the foreigners ask me some questions that I never noticed them.
猜想与验证 - 英语的月份与意大利语数字。 文章起源于我俩白天的一段对话,是在寻找为什么意大利语中九月,十月,十一月和十二月中的词根确实七,八,九,十,不是九,十,十一,十二。 这些词汇对应的表格展示在下方,图片版权已取得作者口头许可。我想中文区的朋友已经读过了我朋友 @breathewind 的文章
其中原因, @breathewind已经在他的文中详细讲解。我补充点他没写的,原因起源于罗马历,罗马帝国的前两位皇帝,分别发明了罗慕路斯历和努马历,前者只有十个月,后者有十三个月,但都对不上一年365天,在这两个历里面,我们现在看到的英语和意大利语的九月,十月,十一月和十二月确实表示的是第七,八,九,十月份。后来凯撒大帝根据天文家索西琴尼建议,修订古罗马历而制定儒略历,它将一年分为十二个月,规定单数月为31日,双数月为30日,通常二月是29日(平年),每四年设置一闰年,闰年的二月加多一日成为30日。
关于意大利人的幽默,请参看我们的聊天记录。当然发现连意大利人都对自己的语言没有深入的了解以后,我越发的佩服 @breathwind的思考能力,最起码知道了几个高端词汇,例如罗慕路斯历,努马历和儒略历。。。
可能有些朋友知道这个知识点,我们中文有多么博大精深? 请你体会唇,齿,舌,喉的发音!
其实那篇文章初稿里包括了特别多的信息,也包括罗马历的来由。可是,是我现在那篇的3倍长😂 ,后来就都删掉了。可以推荐实验室的人来读你这篇文章,让他们互相再鄙视一下😏 . Dan 一定会很开心他是唯一一个说出大概意思的人。有空可以再讨论,还有很多有意思的结论,哪天咱们可以考考他们。
看了一下b文,很有趣的思考過程。不過,我猜測這個規律,在許多西方語言中都成立,義大利只是其中一例。從英文本身其實就可以發現這件事了,例如oct-, dec-是八跟十的字首(Octagon八角形, Decimal十進制)。
照这样玩,思考停不下来了 XD。
我不有趣吗 :( :(:(
讚你怕你驕傲 😎
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