Simple Translation as follows:
Mintcoin Investors basic emotion,mentality and knowledge requirement
Before investing in mintcoin, it is advised to purchase 1000-10000 mint and send to desktop wallet for interest every 20 days. If you find it interesting, a big purchase is recommended! Besides learning to use the wallet, patience is very important. As of now mintcoin is really cheap!
Strongly recommended to collect mintcoin in desktop wallet as every 20 days we will have interest. Within a year we will have roughly 18 days of interest at around currently 5%. This is one of the main highlight of Mintcoin as POS coin.
Compounding interest of mintcoin is very important. It is best not to use more than your original amount of coins, giving you the ability to earn using the interest. As of right now I have been using mintcoin interest to purchase items and am on my way to create a business with mintcoin.
Please be patient with the wallet as it is quite slow.
Mintcoin is definitely not a dead coin! Mintcoin is the first generation of POS coin in history! As it does not require much electricity to operate, it is more environmentally friendly - Minty!
Besides interest, we can still receive transaction fee. However as the volume is low at the moment, it is not as frequent. Hopefully as more transactions are made, more interest and fee we will get!
Please be mindful of your financial situation before investing in mintcoin.
Mintcoin has no further room to fall hence the only way is up! As the only linkage is still Mint/BTC we are resting on the giant BTC price.
Please set encryption and remember your password for the wallet!
As the project is open sourced, this is a community project with volunteers from all around.
Spread the word!
The link to bitcointalk is as follows
非常的謝謝您了呢!!! ... ^ ^~
我慢點把您翻譯的內容另外開一篇新文章來發表,這樣不懂中文的人才比較容易能找到!! ... ^_<
另外 ...
很不好意思哦,我在前一陣子生病了 ......
後來電腦又出問題故障了,到現在才處理得差不多快好了 .........
真的是很抱歉呢!!! ... >"<