Jamie's Italian Taiwan 【台北市信義區 / Taipei City Xinyi District 】

in #cn8 years ago

從大學的時候,我便愛上看Jamie Oliver的廚食節目,比較起一些乏味的廚食方法,風格手起刀落,沒有煮食沒有半分顧慮的他,就把我一直認知的廚食應該做的事完全顛覆。


地址:台北市信義區松壽路11號3樓, 新光三越台北信義新天地A11-3F

交通:捷運板藍線 --> 市政府站 --> 再步行大約十分鐘


Back to my school days, I was falling in love to every cooking episode of Jamie Oliver because his cooking style was very different at that time. It was so different that because other cooking programme would be more instrumental but he made cooking looks so fun and that changes how I see cooking. I am glad that they finally decide to establish their name in Taiwan so that I can finally taste the food

Address: Xinyi Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Taipei A11 3F, No.11, Songshou Rd
Transportation: MRT (Bannan Line) to Taipei City Hall and walk for around 10minutes

Decoration outside of the shop is mainly simple but relax.


Inside of the shop, we can see plenty of his published book and also a cardboard for his!


Design of the shop follows the standard industrial style and overall it is very spacious. The light they have chosen also have that vintage style.

Jamie Oliver 希望把最好的食物帶給中產的小孩子,也是作為爸爸感覺窩心的地方。跟這個想法一致,這裡也有一些特別的親子小玩意如小孩的點菜方法是用一個很特別的玩具而裡面是附上菜單。還準備了讓小孩畫畫的筆和卡通紙,好讓他們不會覺得悶。

“In Britain, eating well and feeding your kid right and being aware about food is all considered very posh and middle class.” by Jamie Oliver

Jamie Oliver wish to bring the best food to the middle class kid. To be consistent with the thinking, there are plenty of stuff to make the children feel happy, for example, my son will need to see the menu using the toy as demonstrated :).


法式麵包 - 可是這不算很特別,味道也只是可以。

French style bread

酥炸海鮮拼盤 - 裡面有主要的炸魚,炸青口和炸蝦,聽說他們是採用了永續海鮮(依從可持續發展策略而捕撈或養殖的海鮮。)味道好而且把危害生態環境的影響減至最低。

Fried seafood platter - there are fried fish, fried mussel, fried prawn as well. It is good that they decide to use sustainable seafood to reduce the damage of the ecosystem.

海鮮墨魚義大利麵 - 海鮮的種類是蠻豐富,意大利麵也煮得剛剛好。

Seafood with oil black pasta - these provide good varieties of seafood and the spaghetti is very well cooked.

最後的是檸檬鮮蝦 Pizza - 除了檸檬和鮮蝦外,還配上水牛芝士和芝麻葉。吃起來非常清爽。只是份量有點太小 :)

Finally, there is lemon prawn pizza - apart from lemon and prawn, there are Buffalo cheese and rocket. The taste is very refreshing just that the portion is a bit small :)

雖然Jamie Oliver 的大名份量十足並且位置位於高級的信義區可是價錢也不算貴,個人消費約莫在500元至700元。大家有空可以過來試啊!

The price is actually quite decent even with the name of "Jamie Oliver", it would cost 500 to 700 NTD individually on average. Hope you like it :)



we had 1 in Aberdeen Scotland i personnaly wasnt a big fan of the food, but like you said it wasnt that expensive it just felt like you get what you pay for, i also had the pizza,

I do believe they have other "higher class" restaurants within his brand. But I will take this :) Hard to save money here XD

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oh~~ 他是我的偶像!!! 不過之前的新聞好像有不少負面報導, 倘若妹子口袋有些深度的時候再去試試好了~


我們不能再這樣吃下去了!!! ((拍肩


i charge 100 usd for shipping and I can guarantee the food will be cold when arriving to your home.

在香港公司附近有一家Jamie's Italian, 吃過幾次,只可說是越來越差。現在已經不想再去了。

That is very unfortunate to know :(

哈哈 我也會看他的節目

還沒試過檸檬鮮蝦 Pizza, 下次來試試!

咦,第一次見,歡迎你 :))

不好意思 第一次就留像吃貨的留言 昨天才加入的 請多指教 :)
