
in #cn7 years ago


Translation: the blockchain is really a fire, you see, AV also intends to issue currency unwilling to remain out of the limelight, AV, look at his domain name will not, please, Taka Kato stars to help out, the lineup is not big!
https://av.com/?me=GLNY42,國內沒屏哦,手機可以註冊,有興趣的宅門沒可以點開鏈接看看,註冊可得10個av幣,糖果10個,號稱居於區塊鏈的全球AV產業生態系統,功能眾多,有興趣的宅男宅女們,劇透到此,自己點開鏈接看! Https://av.com/? Me=GLNY42, the domestic mobile phone screen is not well, you can register, are interested in the house can not point to open the link to see, can be registered 10 AV coins, candy 10, known as the global AV industry ecosystem, in block chain has many functions, are interested in Indoorsman Indoorswoman, spoilers here, open their own see the link!

The Huang Di era (Huang Li) for 4715 years and the year nineteen (calendar March 6, 2018)

