提高 SteemIt 知名度,文章收入的一些小技巧|Improve steemit visibility, article tips for some tips

in #cn7 years ago

最近迷上了 SteemIt, 我在 SteemIt 上的ID是@yhyisj0914, 好记. 使用一个简短好记的ID (如 @abit 大神)这是第一个提高 SteemIt 知名度的技巧.
Recently hooked on steemit, my id on steemit is @yhyisj0914, so use a short, easy-to-remember id (like @abit Big God) This is the first tip to improve steemit's popularity.
Do not aim too hard

老实说, 一年前我加入 Steem 的主要目的就是 SEO, 但是若是目的性太单一, 除了复制粘贴全球变暖之外 收益并不大. 往往你的目的性越强, 失望就会越大. 现在的 Steem 就很好, 相比Facebook, Reddit, 微信朋友圈 等其它社交网络的优势很多, Steem有毒, 我慢慢的抛弃了其它(如 Facebook).
Honestly, the main purpose of steem was a year ago when i joined steem, but if the purpose is too single, the benefits are not great except for the copy and paste of global warming, and the more purposeful you are, the greater the disappointment is.Steem is very good, compared to facebook, reddit, WeChat and other social networks have many advantages, steem toxic, I slowly abandoned other (such as facebook).

目的性太强太单一 玩的就不是很开心: 还好玩SteemIt的好处很多, 比如交友, 分享, 记录, SEO, 收益等等.
Too much purpose is not very happy to play too single: There are many benefits of playing steemit, such as making friends, sharing, recording, seo, earnings and more.

steem do seo advantage is obvious

Steem上的文章搜索引擎上排名很靠前, 而且索引很迅速.
Steem上的文章文字是存在区域链的, 可以抽像的理解成是一个公开 去中心化, 每个块都指向时间点的前一块的后一块(有点像数据结构里的双向链表), 所以存在很多第三方的网站 共同能访问这个去中心化的数据库,
这样的话如果你的文章中有一个链接, 那么实际上会有好几个外链, 都来自权重很高的Steem网站, 比如 SteemIt.com, Steemd.com 等等
如果你的文章质量高, 好像比如最终收益 payout 大于10美元, 那么文中的外链就是 dofollow, 否则是 nofollow, 所以为了SEO你也要好好写文章 保证文章质量.
Article search engine on steem ranked very high, and the index is very fast.
The article text on steem is the existence of the regional chain, can be abstractly understood as a public decentralized, each block points to the last piece of the time after the piece (a bit like the data structure of the doubly linked list), so there
Many third-party websites can access this decentralized database together,
So if your article has a link, there are actually a few foreign links, all from the heavily weighted steem sites such as steemit.com, steemd.com, etc.
If your article is of high quality, such as the final payout is greater than $ 10, then the text of the chain is dofollow, otherwise it is nofollow, so you have to write articles to seo to ensure the quality of the article.
More interaction with the big god message

刚开始是Steem小虾米怎么办? 多和Steem大鲸鱼进行互动, 可以是在文章下面发表质量高的评论, 也可以是直接站内送 SBD并进行自我介绍等, 如果留言Memo不想公开, 可以在之前加个 # 标记.
The beginning is steem shrimp how to do? More and steem big whales to interact, you can post high quality comments below the article can also be directly sent sbd and self-introduction, etc., if the message memo do not want to open, beforeAdd a # mark.

Steem一个很好的优势就是无语言限制, 也就是说很有可能你的中文帖子会被老外看到, 虽然他不懂得中文 但很有可能他会用 Google Translate 翻译并且 用翻译好的中文和你进行互动, 这个社区是全球化的 潜力巨大. 所以尽量每篇帖子都要有英文的摘要 供外国友人能快速的读懂你的帖子.
One of the great advantages of steem is that there is no language limitation, that is to say most likely your Chinese posts will be seen by foreigners. Although he does not know Chinese, it is quite possible that he will translate with google translate and you translate it with youThere is great potential for this community to be global, so try to have a summary in English for each post so that your foreign friends can read your post quickly.

有时候可以 @ 一下大神, 但是千万不要滥用啊 省得被踩.
Sometimes you can @ big god, but do not abuse ah province had to step on.

抱团取暖: 请不要吝啬您的赞
Baotuan heating: Please do not mean your praise

在STEEM里点赞也是有收入的, 点赞的文章质量也高, 最后分得的收益就越大. 抱团取暖: 请不要吝啬您的赞. 见到好文章要果断顶, 这就有点像我抓抓你的背, 你挠挠我的背 (I scratch your backs and scratch mine). 大家好 才是真的好. 当然需要合理利用每天投票的能量(投得越多 投票能量消耗的越快 并在一段时间内慢慢恢复), 用于优先点赞那些高质量的文章(或者那些你认为别人也很可能会去点赞的文章).
Praise in the steem is also a revenue, praising the quality of the article is high, the final gains are greater .To hold the group warm: Please do not mean your praise .To see a good article to decisively, which is a bit like meGrab your back, you scratch my back. Hello everybody is really good. Of course, the need to make reasonable use of the daily vote energy (cast more vote faster energy consumption andSlowly recovering over time) for prioritizing those high-quality articles (or those you think others are likely to like).

适量使用机器人 花点钱推广
Moderate use of robots to spend some money to promote

SteemIt 站内有一个花1 SBD能推广你的帖子的功能, 花了1 SBD 就能把你的帖子推送到 Promotion, 你可以在帖子发出去的第4到第5天用这个功能, 反正也才1 SBD 很便宜.
steemit station has a flower 1 sbd can promote the function of your post, spent 1 sbd can push your post to promotion, you can post to send the first 4 to 5 days with this feature, anyway, only 1sbd is very cheap.

还有一个 @randowhale 机器人, 你向它转帐 2 SBD 或者 2 STEEM (按汇率较多于2 SBD), 并且在MEMO里写要它点赞的帖子.
There is also a @randowhale robot, which you transfer to 2 sbd or 2 steem (at a rate of more than 2 sbd) and write a note that likes it in memo.
那么这个机器人就会随机 (1-5%) 的能量给你点赞. 我用了好几次 就2次不是特别划算 但其它也没有见多大的好处, 最大的概率为4.5%左右(已经很不错了), 看来不是1-50%随机.
Then this robot will give you a random (1-5%) of the energy you like. I spent several times on the 2nd is not particularly cost-effective but also did not see much benefit, the maximum probability of about 4.5% (already very good), It seems not 1-50% random.

比较容易获得点赞的 Steem文章类型
It's easier to get the likes of steem article types

并不是所有类型的文章都容易被点赞. 写写游记, 晒晒风景 美女图就比较容易被赞. 分享一下美食, 有事没事哼个歌(仅限于你是美女并且有个好嗓子), 照片认证 穿个Steem T-Shirt, 或秀秀恩爱也不错. 如果非得要写写技术文章, 那么建议写些和 Steem相关的, 比如写 如何写一个帮你挣大钱的机器人..
Not all types of articles are easy to be like. Write travels, sun landscape beauty map is easier to be like. Share food, something nigh hum (only you are beautiful and have a good voice), photosCertification wear a steem t-shirt, or show good love is also good.If you have to write technical articles, it is recommended to write and steem related, such as writing how to write a robot to help you make a lot of money.

Participate in some activities competitions

有一些Steem上的活动 参加参加没坏处, 搞不好就得奖了, 搞不好就上榜了.. 梦想还是要有的, 搞不好挣它一个亿呢?!
There are some activities on the steem to participate in no harm, get out of prize, not good on the list .. or dream to have, engage in it to earn a billion ?!

提高 Steem Power
Improve steem power

当然, 你要是觉得这些都太麻烦, 有一个直接的方法就是充钱充成 Steem Power, 土豪直接换个几千万的 Steem Power, 一下子就成大鲸鱼啦!
Of course, if you think these are too troublesome, there is a direct way is to charge money into steem power, local tyrants directly for tens of millions of steem power, suddenly became a big whale it!

Watch the exchange rate when you switch to bitcoin

很幸福 你可以从 Steem转出一些 SBD 或者 Steem 货币了, 这时候选择在汇率对你有利的时间换能给你省(挣)不少钱呢.. 所以没事查查汇率, 心理有个大概.
Very happy you can turn out some sbd or steem money from steem, at this time choose to change your exchange rate to your province (earn) a lot of money. So nothing to check the exchange rate, psychological probably.

比如可以 按100个SBD换成多少BTC来算, 这样下次再从 Steem转到比特币钱包的时候你就知道汇率划不划算了.
For example, according to how many 100 bbd into btc count, so the next time you go from steem bitcoin wallet when you know that the exchange rate is not worth planning.

内容为王, 外链为皇.
Content is king, outside the chain is the king.

当然 最后面我还是要强调一下 最重要的还是文章的内容: 内容为王. 以上的技巧是能是辅助而不能成为主要的手段.
Of course, the last I still have to emphasize the most important thing is the content of the article: the content of the above skills can be auxiliary and can not be the main means.



我承认 Steemit这东西有毒 (ノ*°▽°*) 自从有了这里的账号都就没有去Reddit了。

就算不打算赚钱来这里玩玩也很不错,高文章质量的聚集地,偶尔无聊点进来看看也可以学学写作技巧、看看神人的画作、偷偷赚点钱,一石二鸟有什么问题呵呵 (*/_\)
