In Tuscana, there are a lot of local icecream shops, normally are small and decorated in a traditional Italian style. I ate a lot when I was there.
Generally speaking, I really like the texture of this local icecream - quite tender and creamy, but not heavy at all. The texture tastes like the icecream from Coldstone, but only fresher. Also, there are a lot of favours. I personally like pistachio flavour. They rarely add nuts into the icecream, but the nutty tastes are always there, which is quite nice.
Next time when you are here, definitely try local icecream shops!
这边冰淇凌的口味非常多,有选择困难症的应该会很痛苦😏 我个人最喜欢“开心果”口味;) 这里很少加坚果到冰淇凌里面,但是坚果味道很足,这点非常令我欢喜!下次有机会来这里玩耍的小伙伴们,一定要多吃冰淇凌啊~
—— the end ❤️
大溪地的香草。。。 好讲究😄
if you see the ice cream would be very expensive
是的呀 我最近超想吃冰淇凌 嗨。。
我每次去意大利也是吃冰淇淋停不下嘴 ;) 以前还查过 那边的gelato比一般的ice cream牛奶含量高 奶油和空气含量低 所以口感不同