TRUMP tweets..and My Reaction: 6/27-CNN Caught Spreading Fake News

in #cnn7 years ago

Trump wins battle with FAKE CNN

So it appears Trump was right. CNN was going to do a report on Russia and Trump. Apparently, they had to retract the big story Russia according to Trump.


What happens next is the resignation of 3 employees and a management shakeup.


Before the Trump election, I used to watch CNN religiously. After Trump election and his mentioning that they do fake news, I no longer watch them like I used to. And now, each story they air, I watch with a doubtful mind.
And I do my own fact check.

So, I guess Trump has made me more aware of what the media puts out and how they influence our thinking.


Im glad you've opened your mind. When you watch any story in the media ask WHY they would want me to be thinking this way? What agenda is there to push. Thats helped me be alot more diligent jn my thinking.