in #coaching6 years ago

Okay cool i am not going to beat behind the bush here!

Only 3 things you have Power and Total Control over, period!

  1. Your Perceptions

Perception is meaning you give to your reality

The life and meaning you give to the reality that is in front of you is totally up to you. Somethings might be totally against what you think or want to achieve, and yet happening around you, yours is not want to fix those but fix who you interact with those, be very mindful that the power you give to anything it is totally in your control, got that? right
let's move to the next!

  1. Your Decisions

Decision is intensions derived from choices.

You decide, yep you had me right, you decide, whether you think you are or you are not, you are indeed always deciding your outputs in life, and i mean ALWAYS! at times it might not seem like it but you do my friend.
The is that beautiful saying that goes something like "even if you do not do anything, you are still deciding not to do anything". Life is lived much better when you are able to control your decisions and be absolutely responsible for your choices... please minimise blame, psssss you will live longer.

  1. Your Actions

Action is that which brings about desires

Life is always is a state of constant motion, to move from one place to another you need action eve the internal organs in your body uses actions to get the job done, next time you feel bogged down, start acting, heck i even wrote this piece as a way to start, hope you receive it in good spirits as it is from my heart to yours!

Take back your Power

Light and Love always