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RE: A discussion on the business model of Cobinhood - 討論Cobinhood的商業模式,P.S. 華人加油!

in #cobinhood7 years ago

I felt similar catch in hk too, oneside is cryptocurrency is a unstoppable beast waiting to rampage out to our lives, yet the HK government is one hand saying "support" fintech development, while on the other hand doesn't spend time to explore the possibility of cryptococurrency/ blockchain technology development in HK. We lag behind so much, especially when we see soooo many ico were base off in is so clear the the 4 little dragons of asia grow into different shape and size....HK is just too afraid of the money laundry stuff, yet not dedicating efforts in having deeper studies.

for cobinhood, I like the idea of low to none transaction fees, but everything will need to wait when things are actually running~


yes, but anyway lower transaction fee is always good news for us traders.

I wish Cobinhood all the best and overcome the regulatory requirement, this is getting complex everywhere.