Cobinhood,The zero free cryptocurrency exchange that you have probably heard of.

in #cobinhood6 years ago

Are you a crypto trader, or you just like buying some altcoins once in a while?
It's been sometime now since i started using cobinhood after reading a certain review back then where someone was recommending it for people who trade especially the new people in trading.

If you have done some cryptocurrency trading before , have you noticed how exchange fees or even transaction fees can really affect your outcome as a trader?
Have you realised that your results could have been much better?
Have you noticed some delays whatsoever?
Are you struggling with exchanges that have five or only three altcoins?
For some people who need to try out a new exchange that can provide more possibilities in their cryptocurrency tradinv world.
Someone got your back

Enter cobinhood the exchange.

Cobinhood is a crypto trading platform. The world's first exchange with zero fee on trades. It has come to seal so many loopholed that have been existing in the current exchanges. With it's high frequency crypto trades. It's among the very few to even offer fiat currencies as an option.
Wait... who of you has always wanted fiat to be included on your favourite exchange?
I have.
Binance was my favorite but with it's lack of fiat.
Bittrex as well lacks fiat.
As much as these are good exchanges with a variety of altcoins, they are lacking that another feature that cobinhood was able to include.

With the support of usd, cad,eur,jpy,aud and even more fiat oprions, it's hard to anyone to go wrong with cobinhood's convenience.
It has included amazing pairs that you will have to check out for yourself.
What makes me happy is the fiat, crypto pairs that are such a good thing.
With the support of.
Amazingly tether too is available on cobinhood.
There are so many pairs available on cobinhood, such a great start for an exchange that is less than two years.

Multilanguage support. With am aim of covering the biggest percentage with convinience and understanding.
I hope, now you want to learn more and even do something with the cobinhood exchange.
Check out this tutorial here

Give it a shot.

Thanks for reading through up to here.
As always