How To Build Uber Eats - Code4StartUp Review

in #code7 years ago

Build Uber Eats with Code4StartUp

This is cheaper alternative to coding bootcamp and you'll have a project to show when your finished and you'll learn how certain tough components are made like payment gateway and login. These full stack projects are considered the final projects in coding bootcamps.
-Swift 3
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Disclaimer: Jason Chan does not guarantee you'll get millions of dollars from venture capitalist that is all on you. You are in charge of your own sales and success with this knowledge. The key from this is you learn how to create your own start up app. All logos belong to respective companies. Leo Trieu is wrote the code and create the tutorials. I get a small commission from people buying tutorials from code4startup. I highly recommend it because it's way cheaper than coding bootcamp and you'll learn way more from these two online resources than you can from coding bootcamp. Plus you'll learn how to create payment gateway with stripe which is huge.