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in #code9 years ago

Summary by @tldr:

These letters were combined with somb from the other cipher to create sombra, the name of an unreleased hero that has been hinted at by Blizzard in the past.
East - Mercy - Route 66 - 0:17 Center - D. Va - Temple of Anubis - 0:19 North - Torbjorn - Nepal - 0:21 South - Genji - Hanamura - 0:22 Southeast - McCree - Hollywood - 0:24 West - Symmetra - Watchpoint: Gibraltar - 0:30 Southwest - Bastion - Hollywood - 0:34 Northeast - Winston - Volskaya Industries - 0:46 Northwest - Tracer - King's Row - 0:47
ASCII Skull #1 The diff from the datamosh resulted in the following output: Parece que te gustan estos jueguitos... por que no jugamos uno de verdad?
This is the python2 script to extract modified bytes from datamoshed volskaya screenshot, ~~~ embed:27635d2ff6f0e3b15f0c902dca2974a9The ASCII image of the skull seemed to be a dead end, however, as no further progress was made until August 23rd. gist metadata:c3luYXA1ZS8yNzYzNWQyZmY2ZjBlM2IxNWYwYzkwMmRjYTI5NzRhOVRoZSBBU0NJSSBpbWFnZSBvZiB0aGUgc2t1bGwgc2VlbWVkIHRvIGJlIGEgZGVhZCBlbmQsIGhvd2V2ZXIsIGFzIG5vIGZ1cnRoZXIgcHJvZ3Jlc3Mgd2FzIG1hZGUgdW50aWwgQXVndXN0IDIzcmQu ~~~
The time posted on the forums was set at 23h and has since been counting down rather than increasing; it seems to be a countdown to something.This topic's page soon begins to glitch and distort, turning a hue of purple before opening a text box stating: "la que tiene la informacion; tiene el poder"
amomentincrime E-mail 'momentincrime' appeared to refer to the Roadhog and Junkrat video A Moment in Crime, which came out months before the release of Overwatch.
A site: was also found, where you can find information about configuration made to automatic mail response: ...Estableciendo conexion...

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