Starting a Coding Community on Steemit? #codeonsteemit

in #codeonsteemit7 years ago

Any ideas on how we can start a software engineering community here on Steemit similar to Stackoverflow?

  1. People may post their questions and/or give and receive answers.
  2. Good questions of course receive up-votes as well.
  3. We should use the tag #codeonsteemit, and whichever tags are relevant to our question.
  4. We can use the <pre> </pre> tags to post code.
  5. We must keep the community ethical.

Some random Wordpress header PHP using the <pre> </pre> tags:

    $protocol = $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'];
    if ( ! in_array( $protocol, array( 'HTTP/1.1', 'HTTP/2', 'HTTP/2.0' ) ) ) {
        $protocol = 'HTTP/1.0';

Some random CSS using the <pre> </pre> tags:


One problem with the exception of adding forward slashes I haven't found any other way to display <html> code here.

Programming languages should include:

Ruby On Rails

Web development should include:

node js

Database management should include:

Operating Systems:
Linux: ubuntu debian etc.
MacOS etc.
Android etc.
Windows10 Windows8 etc.

Screenshot from 2017-06-30 02-34-41.png

Let me know what tags I am missing (long list), and if you are interested! Let's bring those Steemit developers together! I will follow up on this in another post in a few days! Also if you know how to display <html> as code without using forward slashes please leave an example in the comments!


This post received a 2.0% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @finkavenue! For more information, click here!

We have a decent little community in the #steem-dev and #steemdev tags, and I tossed a forum together based on those tags over on chainBB. I've been tweaking the CSS to make code snippets look nice within the forums too ;)

As for code samples, this entire thing is in markdown, so you can simply use the triple backticks (`) to make blocks:

<p>a paragraph!</p>

Anything within those blocks won't render as HTML, but as code.

<p>This is awesome dude!</p> Thanks! Checked out your community! You have lots of knowledgeable expertise over there!
However I want to build more of strict "q and a" forum here on Steemit where intermediate programmers, like myself, and newbies can post questions, and receive help from Steemit experts. Also where experts can help each other as well.

I don't see why that wouldn't be possible via those existing tags, it's already used for that a decent amount. Feel free to start the new tag setup though, and if you gain some traction, I can always add another forum for it :)

Alright we should use the existing community #steemdev, and I will create #steemdevqna for a question and answer sub-forum similar to stackoverflow. Let me know!

Yes, like stackoverflow, for example, i want to create a question about Flexbox CSS, what hastag should i use?

I'm definitely interested in this idea. Please keep me updated.

Sure will!

I think it is a wonderful idea, because it will stimulate good answers.

Yes! My thoughts exactly because unlike on other sites people actually get paid for quality answers!

Yes, and it is fair to get paid for a good answer. Because answering a programming question can be very time-consuming.

The fact that you bring up StackOverflow is pretty interesting. I think StackOverflow is a great idea and a great resource, but it also suffers from a lot of issues (especially with how its karma system is implemented). I think this is somewhere Steemit could really shine. Rather than punishing people for asking off-topic/simple questions, they can get an answer and the person being answered can make some money off of it (with upvotes). More relevant questions would be voted highly (which would eliminate the need for downvotes to sort content). Maybe a tag like #steemoverflow would be useful to mark these questions? Either way, having a way to both share solutions to programming questions and make money off of it seems way better than what StackOverflow currently enables.

I would be interested too. Keep us informed!

Thanks, will do so!

Yeah and for developers to get ready for that steemfest hackathon too 🙌🏽🙌🏽

Wonder if this coding community will also add AR, VR and IoT 🔥 be cool so some people on those can interact on steemit 🤔

I'll add AR, VR and IoT to list, but dunno how many people on Steemit have expertise about it! Thanks for your interest! :D

The thing about steemit and those learning about tech, is one can be inspired to learn it and show how they do it and what results did it brought them. For us, it's just being exposed to tech, re ading about it and how does one does it and accidentally going to a hackathon. That's how we got started into IoT. don't have to be an expert. Just have to passion to learn along the way to do it into a prototype will be writing out the blog soon about this: do you recognize these steemians going from US to China soon? ;)

sis and I & our awesome teammates are active hackathoners.
️See time stamp at 4mins 30 sec

Also I do know a vr and ar expert. It's veronica flint the badass in LA on these two subjects. Let me get her signed up on steemit. Will have to connect her here through steemconnect to get on board to steemit faster. There are also amazing wit developers. she is one of our coolest and best friends. She been wanting to get into crypto for a while.

This post received a 4.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @finkavenue! For more information, click here!

And I'm sure one of the discord channels would give you a board on their channel! Steemgigs discord would probably!

Hi! What is Steemgigs and how does it work?

Well if you want to hire someone to do work you can look in steemgigs, or if you have work you could do for steemians for steem you can post it in steemgigs. @inphiknit has a food donation you could do for SBDs. There are plenty of others, just go check the #steemgigs tag!

Would be great to have it here. Started to learn HTML, Javascript, CSS etc. about two years ago and I'm currently working on an open source travel website using Aurelia. Always struggling with simple things ;) - so having a community here would be awesome. If you need any help realizing this - just get in touch :-)

Sounds interesting, what's the travel site? I know HTML JavaScript CSS PHP Python and a bit of C++ too, but I also struggle on many small problems whenever I forget how to do something lol. Any help would be greatly appreciated in launching this community! Thanks! :)

you can take a look at ;)
I haven't worked on it for some month because I was traveling myself but now trying to bring it into a 'usable state' within the next few weeks hopefully - any feedback greatly appreciated :-)

Followed you!

Nice idea, I'm very much a novice coder, got into Android and Java last year, drifted away, and am now learning html/css.

Look forward to learning from the coding community :-)


Thanks, I believe a question and answer forum here on Steemit would be a great idea for novice coders to learn and get payed while doing so!

Great idea! I'm all up for that :-)


I think this is a very good idea, it would help give all the developers a Haven for all this activity

Yes, payment deserved for the long hours of searching for answers!

here I am, You and I hand to hand lets do it!!!

Of note, I discovered that code markdown works as well as such:

var isAwesome = false;
if (isAwesome){
  return true;

As per the markdown guide, however syntax highlighting doesn't seem to be styled for it.