Translated from Latin, Codex Gigas, a large book, is a manuscript book of enormous size and content, which was written in the Benedictine monastery of the Czech town of Podlahitse in the early 13th century. The legend of the Code of Gigas
According to legend, the monk undertook to write overnight the encyclopedia of all the knowledge possessed by the Benedictine Order, for the redemption of the grave sin committed by him. But when the monk realized that he could not perform such a large amount of work for such a short term, he allegedly called the devil to help himself. Proof of this is the image of the devil on page 290.
The legend and history of the creation of the Codex Gigas is very interesting and mysterious. As stated above, experts say that the Codex Gigas was written by one person. This statement can be considered true, if only because, the handwriting on all pages is the same. As mentioned above, the story apparently begins in the beginning of the XIII century, namely in 1204. Because the martyrology indicates Saint Procopius, who was very revered among the local population. The Code could not be started before 1204, because on July 4, 1204, Procopius was enlisted in the ranks of the Saints. The writing of the code was completed no later than 1230, because the martyrology did not record the death of Premysl Otakar I, who died in December of that year. Total we get no more than 26 years, the Devil's Bible was written. But here, besides this, there is still a lot of hitch, because the creation of such a book required large funds for parchment (a flock of animals), ink and ink for drawings. In fact, there was no money for such expenses, but the Devil's Bible has a place to be. The legend of creating the Giant Code is even more mystical. The creation of this book took 160 skins. Indeed the most awesome book.