After reading this very interesting article about learning to code.
It did take me back to when I was learning HTML & Java Script.
First some definitions.
Programming is the process of taking an algorithm and encoding it into a notation, a programming language, so that it can be executed by a computer. Although many programming languages and many different types of computers exist, the important first step is the need to have the solution.
A coder is an individual who codes from one language to another. Coding is also programming but it's used to implement the initial steps of computer programming. ... They are more of a language oriented programmers who translate logics into machine-readable codes.
So they are the same, but different;D~
Most of the article is about how to get started, if you want to code.
It's broken down into 10 lessons/tips.
Have have a good reason. Weather its wanting to build the next Steemit, Facebook or just automate your online digital life.
It's an interesting piece, full of good tips for getting started.
It's broken down into 10 lessons/tips.
Here is number 2.
#2) Don’t stress over what language to pick
Don’t get bogged down picking the “perfect” language to learn. Your goal in the early days is just to become familiar with the basic concepts of coding, which are similar across all languages.
“If you can learn one programming language, you can learn the other ones, and where you start doesn’t matter nearly as much as you might think,” as Quincy Larson, the founder of freeCodeCamp, told me. So pick one—the common ones for newbies are things like Python, JavaScript, Ruby, or, say, Microsoft’s C#—and dive in. You can switch around later or even, as I did, try a few and see which ones “take” better with your style of thinking. (Me, I prefer writing Python—it’s prettier, to my eyes—but JavaScript is more useful for building the web tools I use in my work, so I’ve stuck with both.) “Stop looking for the perfect coding course,” advises Madison Kanna, who taught herself programming at age 23. “Just pick a curriculum and stick with it.”
Actually, you may want to avoid Googling “What coding language should I learn?” because you’ll immediately find yourself deep in the sprawling flames wars that coders engage in over Which Language Sucks/Rocks. These arguments are a) frequently nuts and b) to the extent that they have any meaning, nothing you need to worry about right now.
Now, there’s one big exception to my rule here. If you’re learning to program specifically because you’re sick of your job and want to retain for full-time coding work, as fast as possible? Then your choice of language does matter. You want to match it up to market needs—specifically, your local market, notes my friend Saron Yitbarek, a developer and the founder of CodeNewbie, a podcast about programmers. So research your local job scene: What types of entry-level coding jobs exist, and what languages and skills do they ask for? Then find tutorials and books that will lead to those skills. “Find the jobs that you want, and then reverse engineer your curriculum,” she tells me.“ Too many people go, ‘Oh, I heard about JavaScript. Now I’m going to learn JavaScript.’ And they realize there are no JavaScript positions anywhere where they live. Then they’re stuck in a community that really wants them to learn .NET,” a Microsoft framework, “and they didn’t take the time to learn .NET.”
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I started with Python, but the online course I was taking with didn’t quite suit my learning style. I’ve recently started JavaScript with codecademy, and my experience has been much easier and more fun. Followed for future tips on computer science, cheers!
We are all life students, as the man says. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. And good luck with your coding.