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RE: A Quick Look at an Early Working Prototype of the Upcoming Hive.Loans Account as Collateral Community Lending Pool!

in #coding4 years ago

If it gets funded it'll be 100% open source. If not I'll probably hold onto the code and run it myself or license it out to recoup some development costs for a bit before leaking a base version of it publicly for people to build off of. :)

The ability to access liquidity will make for an interesting study for sure to see who stays staked and who uses the lending service to play markets or what have you.


Fair enough.

Do you have some specific date when it'll go live or you just go with a flow?

If I get funded the goal is rolling out v1.0.0 in 2 months with public aplha testing likely happening before then.

If unfunded it could take upwards of 6 months. Being a renegade freelancer is great and all but I still have to seek out paying jobs in order to be able to afford to code on this stuff. :/

I feel ya, we all have to eat haha.

Really glad to see this stuff happening.