I jumped into Vue.js and this is my impression so far

in #coding7 years ago (edited)

Hello coders,

Do you remember the first time you jumped into a serious attempt of learning a javascript framework?

Your never forget that right? It is probably like the first time you got laid/made love. (Feels good but you gotta be brave to get there).

So, well, you know, I have always been the guy who enjoyed keeping things simple. Basically in the last 4 years when doing web stuff I have always been using vanilla JS with JQuery for DOM manipulation.

At some point, you ask to yourself: When am I gonna take things more serious here?

Like JQuery is great, but things start getting messy after a while...

Anyways. First Impressions.

  • The concept of plug in & out web components is great. Vue components can have "built-in" all kind of properties, functions, methods... etc so its pretty incredible that such an ecosytem can be so modular while being reactive with so many dependencies.
  • VUE feels like SUPER OPINIONATED. Specially for me, considering I didnt come from Angular or React (no JS framework background at all).
  • Even if its "easier" or has a more gentle learning curve than React or Angular, believe me, if you start from scratch it takes a while to grasp all core concepts. Again, opinionated system makes things less intuitive at first. At least for me. Please note I am a divergent learner so I particulary hate convergent learning systems.
  • Once you get the into the flow...suddenly all the mess is gone and you feel so proud of the cleanliness and structured nature of your app. It is an inducted "so-to-say" cleanliness, but nonetheless clean.
  • Modularity is a big thing in Vue, which I do appreciate. Not just for reusability potential, but also for scalability.
  • Even if its a new framework, community is really big already and there is plenty of resources online. Official Docu is particularly well writen.

Summing it up, my level of satisfaction is pretty good after 1 month.

I would recommend Vue.js to anyone who wants to get into modern JS frameworks.


Vue.js is a really nice state-of-the-art framework and, in my opinion, should belong to anyone's (frontend) development tool suite.

May I ask what frameworks are you familiar with?

When it comes to web development: Angular >= 2, jQuery and jQuery UI/mobile, Vue.js (and Bootstrap for designing/layouting a web page). In the backend I've developed applications using php (with CodeIgniter and Yii2) as well as RESTful services with Java and Spring.

Wow cool. Just one question If I may. Have you ever used both jQuery and Angular 2 in the same project? If yes, isnt it unnecesary? Like, doesnt actually Angular provide all the DOM manipulation tools that you need?

Depends. Angular2 can do a lot of work for you which can make it unnecessary to include jQuery (especially for pure DOM manipulation due to Angula2's MVVM approach).
However, if you use jQuery UI/Mobile, you definitely want to include jQuery.