Discipline Discipline Discipline.
Writing needs to be a daily habit, like breathing or taking a shower. No matter what comes up, barring an extreme emergency where there are EMT personnel involved, writing needs to take place on a daily basis. This is what the successful always state.
I watched an interview with a romance novel writer, the name that escapes me, who is one of the most successful in terms of sales. She said she wrote everyday, for decades...without missing a day. It might only be 500 or 1000 words but she got it in. That is dedication to her craft.
I have to view things in that light since I tend to lack the discipline. My goal on Steemit is two posts a day (I allow myself only one on Sunday). This I do no matter what....it is something that I committed myself to. If I do not have this etched in my mind, something else will come up.
So I make it a part of my day, no matter what.