The title of this post was inspired of a sad song sang by Swedish Singer, Robyn, and Calum Scott popularize this song in Britain's Got Talent on 2015. I love listening to this song very much.
I am not going to review the song in my current post. I just want to write a little bit information about my feeling. It sounds strange, right? And I hope you are not curious about it and just read it. This is about what I am doing in my life and how I do it mainly when I am under great pressure in facing any problems of my life. It is simple and quite normal. Any body can feel the same to me and this is a life and I hope the sun is still rising tomorrow morning.
Honestly speaking, having a cup of coffee while listening to the music mainly a love song is amazing. I did it when I was under great pressure. You can do that as well. Usually I will write something as my post and you know I can do it well like the fluids run because I have a cup of coffee and the music I love. Fantastic!

Have a cup of coffee and listen to your favorite music, then trying to write any thing you feel. Express your mind and I am pretty sure you will be able to show something deeper of your mind. That's it!
Let's write an original content in Steemit and be a good Steemian! Warmest Regards from Aceh, and keep fighting.[]
review the song
postingan yang menarik bg bahagia-arbi,,man bak bahasa inggreh, han tatupu..hehe
Salam BSC ..
singoh taolah bahasa indoneh beh dek? gabuk bashut bunoe
yayaya...salam kenal dari lon tuan bg..
lon tuan dari bireuen sit,inan di matang..
Leumak mabok @bahagia-arbi...
Asli, Bang @ayijufridar.. nyan AMP neupantau beh..pah ngeri harga..hehe
Terbang tinggi, melayang jauh...
Nyan harus kita hajar bang,, AMP..hehe
Mantap sekali bg @bahagia-arbi
Terima kasih...sama2 harus mantap..hehehe
Sama-sama bg @bahagia-arbi, hehehehe hahaha
Sidro Agoe bg 😂
Maen Solo nyoe 😂
Duet ngen lon bg, hahaha
berehh..harus nyan...toke pineung duet ngon toke kupi,,bertus steem..hahahahaa
Hahahhaa, Hana can sagai pineung, murah that jino
Kupi muhai ka, cuma hana kupi di lampoh..sama cit, meuramah tuh hahaa..payah mita alternatif komoditi laen sang..hahaha
thats right @bahagia-arbi..The power of coffee
iya Mbak...kekuatan Kopi luar biasa, ya? thanks sudah singgah Mbak @ririn. Salam dari Aceh.
Luar biasa sekali, banyak ide-ide dan inspirasi dari secangkir kopi. Salam juga dari Semarang ya
Keras.... bg @bahagia-arbi
harus sama2 keras...hahaha
Hihihih bener bg...
Haii coffee lovers, kapan kita ngopi sambil menantikan klub kesayangan berlaga. Colek @raditiya90 hahaha