[FOTO] Lelaki Penikmat Kopi 12 | A Coffee Lover Man

in #coffee7 years ago (edited)


Living in the world is short. Enjoying our life by some positive activities like a will of GOD are a must. While waiting for the praying time I drunk a cup of coffee. A cup of coffee is good for human where as men and women could enjoy their life in drinking a cup of coffee. And our soul can go anywhere looking some inspiration that could be important to post them in Steemit. Is it a correct expression of mine?

>HIDUP di dunia tidaklah lama. Manikmati hidup dengan mengisi hari-hari dengan aktifitas positif sesuai permintaan Tuhan adalah sebuah keharusan. Sembari menunggu jadwal berdoa (baca:Shalat), secangkir kopi sudah layaknya dinikmati.

Tidak hanya oleh seorang Pejantan Tangguh seperti saya, tapi para wanita pun seharusnya demikian. Menyeruput secangkir Espresso Arabica Gayo dan membiarkan pikiran berkelana temukan inspirasi untuk bahan postingan di Steemit. Apakah pernyataan saya di atas sudah benar?!


Steem Investment . A cup of premium espresso is sitting me up.I have been in a cafetaria of Avecena Hospital at 10:00 AM to keep my promise to have a chat with my friend @dokter-purnama. He would like to get more undestanding on

Siang ini sekitar Jam 10:00 pagi saya sudah berada di Kantin Rumah Sakit Avecena menepati janji bertemu rekan saya @dokter-purnama. Katanya, beliau ingin ditemani belajar tentang Investasi Steem di Steemit. Dan secangkir Espresso Premium pun menemani saya.


I wrote anything in Steemit sincerely because I am focusing on reaching my own goal to get progress in Steemit next year. I have been 56 days in Steemit. However, I have to be consistent to dedicate some post veryday in Steemit. This is a very importan thing that could be a good effort in reaching my goal that I have told you before.

Saya menulis di Steemit dengan tulus karena saya fokus pada tujuan berkembang di Steemit untuk setahun ke depan. Usia saya di Media Sosial yang keren ini belumlah genap 2 (dua) bulan. Namun, saya harus konsisten memberikan kontribusi berupa satu, dua, atau tiga postingan sehari. Hal ini saya pandang sangat penting untuk terus eksis di Steemit sebagai upaya meraih tujuan yang saya utarakan tadi.

Concerting a bright future is related to shining up a good will. We can say a will –o-wisp! A will is such of a dream. A dream must be taken in toward a success in our future. I am not afraid to express my biggest dream in Steemit. This is a kind of my true commitment. My fellow Steemians are able to determine their dream in Steemit. Establishing the biggest dream in our life so that will be motivated us in reaching our biggest dream in Steemit as well.

Merencanakan masa depan itu erat kaitannya dengan menumbuhkan Impian besar. Impian adalah sejenis cita-cita. Ia adalah cita-cita yang ingin diraih. Saya berani ciptakan impian besar di Steemit. Ini adalah bentuk dari sebuah komitmen. Rekan-rekan Steemian pun harus menetapkan sebuah tujuan besar berada di Steemit. Menciptakan impian terbesar dalam hidup sehingga memotivasi kita meraih impian terbesar di Steemit.

Steemit is a good chance for us to get success. A successful person must look for a chance to get success in his life. And a loser always build a self-defend having many reasons to refuse a good chance.

Steemit adalah peluang bagus bagi kita meraih sukses. Orang sukses pasti mencari sebuah kesempatan untuk sukses dalam hidup. Seorang pecundang selalu saja memiliki banyak alasan

I hope all of fellow Steemians are happy all the time. Keep your spirit and keep fighting!

Semoga semua Steemian diberikan kesehatan oleh Tuhan. Tetaplah memelihara harapan dan teruskan perjuangan.[e20]

Salam KSI

Salam ASW


Salam BSM

Salam Damai Penuh Cinta


Don’t forget to send your Gifts / Donation / Contribution funds to @bullionstackers to help #whalepower Community Project.


Coffee can help to brighten up our day especially when we are stress with so many things in life. Having some coffee while steeming rocks!

Definitely! We can talk much more about Steemit while having a cup of coffee. I folloeed you. Thanks.

Seoramg pejantan tangguh pantang menyerah dan akan selalu tangguh terdepan untuk semua... salam hangat selalu... Semoga yang Maha kuasa memberikan restu dan ridhonya untuk segala cita-cita dan tujuanmu...

Amin. Terima kasih utk segala doa kakak utk saya. Salam sukses ya?

I saw, that there is a coffee group to post. Thanks for sharing.Look at my coffee post. I follow you now. @thunderland

Look at my posts too @thunderland maybe follow me, if you like them.

We can make a new tag #steemcoffee if you arw agree, i love writing about coffee in Steemit. I followed you. We must be friend. Thanks

This is a good idea. Can you resteem this coffee post of me into this group?


I will post my new coffee posts there from now on too. Great idea!!

Followed, All the very best for your steemit journey. Soon you will become another whale here :)

Thanks for your support. Hehe..I will be a @coffeewhale 😀

Steemit + coffee = nikmat, mantap dan penuh inspirasi serta sukses.
Nice bro @bahagia-arbi

Saya suka salamnya

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