When I was younger, I had three or four big, strong cups of coffee every day. As I've gotten older, my adrenals don't fare well at that. Coffee seems to be a way of borrowing energy from the future, and, for me, the bill comes due a couple of times a year. Even drinking only one cup a day, in the morning, I crash bad for a week, and usually stop coffee for a month or so before I can't stand it any more and start the cycle over again.
Coffee withdrawal for me is three days of misery: low energy and a dull headache in the middle of the forehead, then another three or four days of improving energy, until I'm weaned completely in a week.
Ouch :(
I would be interested to see your pH levels. That's the main reason I have problems with coffee is the acidity of it. As my body becomes more acidic, red blood cells are unable to carry as much oxygen. I live 2 miles above sea level now and have become more aware of this process.
I'm only too familiar with the dull headache. lol I try to keep my consumption low enough I don't get that anymore. Not always successful though. :)