Greetings friends of steem!

On this occasion I want to talk about one of the most pleasing drinks at all times, it is Coffee. Firstly, it is important to know that it is extracted from a plant called coffee tree, this plant produces fleshy, red or purple fruits, or in very few cases yellow where the coffee bean is found inside.
The principle of this plant is said to possibly occur in Ethiopia, Northern Africa (formerly Abyssinia), there are myths and legends that are still under discussion. The coffee tree is a shrub that grows approximately ten to twelve meters and it takes around eight to nine months for its fruits to bloom.

Among one of the many stories about coffee I found one of a shepard whose name was Kaldi, he realized the strengthening that had caused these fruits in some goats, that's how he decided to try them and see the effect generated in his body, it is counted who gave samples to some monks to use as a drink, they tasted it and by its bad taste they throw it into the fire and tells the legend that at that time the fruits threw a lovely aroma so they decided to prepare it with toasted beans and the infussion helped them in order to avoid falling asleep during their night jobs.

This aromatic world drink that is usually taken every morning when you wake up, before or after breakfast and even at the end of each meal, during snack times, when you want to activate the organism or simply when you come to visit at home we offer all a cup of coffee.

It is known that one of the most daily ways of drinking coffee is black or with milk, some prefer sugar and others without sugar.

Now, knowing that energizing effect that has seemed significant to me to investigate its beneficial qualities and not so beneficial for those who consume it often.
Among the benefits I found that several studies carried out by universities and highly qualified professional teams came to the conclusion that coffee:
- It helps prevent Parkinson's disease.
- Prevents liver disease.
- Protects against heart failure.
- Prevents damage to the eyes.
- Minimizes the possibility of suffering from diabetes.
- Reduces the risk of stroke.
- Offers protection against prostate and endometrial cancer.
- Helps to lose weight (if consumed without sugar).
- Avoids atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).
- And it acts as a natural source of antioxidants.
On the other hand, as all excesses are harmful, researchers assure that drinking too many cups of coffee a day can produce:
- Anxiety.
- Stress.
- Drowsiness.
- Dehydration due to its diuretic effect.
- Alteration of the heart rate.
- Women can take a long time to achieve a pregnancy.
- And it can cause dependence.
Drinking coffee in moderation is an excellent habit that can improve your pace of life but remember that you should consume it with moderation.
I hope this post is to your liking and do not forget to enjoy your cup of coffee.

See you in a new post!
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