Good afternoon to all steemian ..Have you drinking coffee today ??
Talk about coffee, no doubt, Indonesia is arguably the paradise of coffee world. Not just one, even from the typical in every region, until the most expensive coffee can be found in the largest archipelagic country in the world. However, not everyone understands if Indonesia has long been a coffee paradise. Although not a heavy coffee lover, some references around this type of coffee in Indonesia are of interest to the steemian knows
Lintong Coffee
First there is Lintong coffee. Derived from North Sumetera, this coffee is a distinctive variant of Mandailing. The characteristic of Lintong coffee is its acid content which is not very strong, or in moderate level. In addition, this coffee is included in varieties of Arabica coffee. In North Sumatra, Lintong coffee can be categorized as the most expensive coffee, especially cultivated specifically and served as black coffee.
Toraja Coffee
If coffee this one could be his name is quite famous, especially among coffee lovers. Toraja name taken from the name of the area where the coffee is cultivated, namely Toraja, South Sulewasi. Besides known as the most expensive coffee, especially in the United States and the UK market, this coffee also has a characteristic low acid content. Uniquely, Toraja coffee has a heavy weight than the type of Arabica coffee in general.
Gayo Coffee
Aceh is not only famous for its coffee drinking culture, but the province in the western tip of Indonesia is also famous for one of the most expensive variants of coffee in the world. Especially if it is not Gayo coffee. Gayo coffee is generally a type of Arabica grown in the highlands of Gayo, Central Aceh, with super careful processing. The aroma is so distinctive, with a strong bitter taste, but has a tasty flavor with a fairly low acidity level.
Coffee Kintamani
Not only known as a tourist paradise, Bali is also known as one of the most expensive coffee heaven in the world. Precisely in Kintamani, there is a coffee with the same name. Organically grown coffee with this typical Balinese subak watering system has a fine texture, causing a soft sensation on the tongue. Another uniqueness, Kintamani coffee beans have a unique taste like Orange, but not heavy. This is also what makes coffee from this Arabica variant matches the tongue of the Japanese.
Civet coffee
The name Luwak coffee has been named as one of the most expensive coffee in the world. Most encouraging, of course this coffee is a variant of the original Indonesia. The uniqueness of Luwak coffee lies in its processing. Luwak will first eat the coffee, then the seeds are not digested perfect will be issued with the feces. Luwak coffee is also considered qualified, because a mammal named Paradoxurus hermaphrodites is only select 1-2 copies that have been completely cooked in every tree. Type of coffee, can Arabica and Robusta. However, in general, Luwak coffee is processed into black coffee.
ya ya ,, kita di takengon kopi gayo :D
sungguh luar biasa kopi gayo ..
aceh memiliki kopi terbaik di dunia ..
mantap that nyan adun ...
baca postingan @zikriadi bila kopi di blanding semua akan terasa lebih berwarna ..
tidak diragukan lagi keahlian @zikriadi dalam meracik kopi...tingkatkan prestasimu kawan 🙋
akan segera hadir d kawasan bireuen fresco mocktail minuman segar racikan @zikriadi
dari namanya sepertinya menarik utk dinikmati..
akan hadir lebaran nanti .. tunggu undangan opening nya ..
ocee broo