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RE: 5 Tips to Turn Yоur Cоffее Hаbіt Intо a Healthy Morning Rіtuаl

in #coffee9 years ago

Cool tips! I've developed a bit of a coffee habit and often have mixed feelings on it. So I appreciate your input :)

I don't suspect there's really an argument that a drug (the caffeine, not the coffee itself) is healthy to use longterm. But it could be the case that there are good sides and also downsides, and how you manage it becomes important.

I like what you say about making it a ritual. Doesn't help to have mixed feelings about it, if you're gonna do it, really do it hehe. It's definitely an enjoyable time of the day, why not. And water great idea for sure, compensate for the urine that the coffee pushes out.

It might seem better to have your coffee with an artificial creamer or sweetener, but these are the most toxic additions you can use.

So no more soy vanilla hazelnut iced coffees from Starbucks? :( :( Please can I?

One more tip I use .. which kind of relates to your ritual .. is to keep it early. If I drink coffee early in the day and especially if I'm active during the day, I find it usually doesn't interfere with my sleep. I'd rather coffee be a choice, something to use and enjoy, rather than something I need because I didn't get enough sleep.