[#2] Coffee Shop - Facility - Concept creation with the Steemit community!

in #coffee7 years ago

Coffee Shop Concept


Explanation in the first post of this series:
[#1] Coffee Shop - Concept creation with the Steemit community!

Previous Post

Comments Summary

In the previous post, we talked about the size, coffee to go and started with the facility topic.
@mountain.phil28 added a good point with the L-shaped counter for selling coffee to go directly to the street!
@stephanation thanks for your comment - you're so right! In a lot of jobs, you can work wherever you like to! You don't have to sit in a regular office from 9-5 anymore! For this, it's important to supply a good wifi and enough power sockets.

Best Comment

Best comment is from drum roll - @stephanation. You will receive SBD after the previous post is disbursed! 😃

New Topic


As we already drifted into the facility topic lets finish this topic in this post. We need a good wifi and enough power socket. What else is important to feel comfortable in a coffee shop?
Maybe public TV screens with news/sport/weather information? Give me your thoughts about and add own ideas! What do you miss/love in your favorite coffee shop?

coffee-2589761_1280.jpg https://pixabay.com/en/coffee-cafe-wood-hot-mug-cup-2589761/

Concept Summary

  • L-Shaped Counter for selling coffe to go directly to the street
  • Wifi and power sockets
  • Comfortable seating

Post your thoughts in the comments below!
Have a nice day

Series History

[#1] Coffee Shop - Concept creation with the Steemit community!