I love coffee - the kick, the taste, and the "parfum" (if you haven't noticed, I never apologize for my French lapses; it's in the blood).
Anyway, I searched out this list of articles - encouraging the development of coffee-growing, coffee-exporting enterprises in the country of South Sudan - interesting and worth sharing with fellow Steemians. It seems the country's mountaineous Imatong region has the ideal climate and terrain, and borders both Kenya, Uganda, and Ethiopia (all having established coffee growing industries).
Now, I am a musician, music composer-orchestrator, and educator - as my followers and friends know, most of my posts reflect my passion for musicology (a.k.a. the science of music). I also have experience performing with many musicians from around the world (including reggae artist and songwriter Emmanuel Kembe, from South Sudan).
But I also LOVE my coffee, and have been enabled to spend many an all-nighter - from writing graduate term papers on musicological topics, to composing-orchestrating, to performing in club bands and on-the-road touring - thanks to this wonderful mentally-stimulating beverage.
(Did I mention I also love the taste, and the aroma?)
South Sudan to Export Coffee for the First Time
South Sudan Is Exporting Coffee for the First Time
George Clooney Wants You to Drink This Coffee
Not long ago I started drinking coffee myself. I was influenced by my work colleges and friends and grew to enjoy it. I even bought myself a coffee maker so I could brew up a cup when I'm ready. I don't go crazy over it but I feel like I'm drinking poison whenever I drink the instant.
Before drinking I would site and enjoy the aroma but now I enjoy both...and I had a good cup this morning,
Very good. In a pinch, I've been known to add a teaspoon of instant "joe" to liven up a cup of hot cocoa in cold weather, but I agree, there is no comparison in taste.