Have you tried adding fat to your caffeine hit yet?
Sure, you can just add a tablespoon of butter (grass fed, of course), but why stop at the minimum? Here's how I'm about to kick it up a notch.
Go ahead, try it!
p.s. I'm a total sucker for amazing tools (hence the fascination with coffee grinders and grinding) and I'm in LOVE with morning rituals. Making coffee is one of my favorites.
Wait, you want to know WHY you should add butter and fats to your coffee? The short version is this:
I've found that it smoothes and lengthens out my coffee buzz. Without fat or immediately going into a hard workout, black coffee gives me the jitters. With the fat I just climb on up to Stoke Level 11 (yes, it goes to 11) and cruise there until the late afternoon. C'mon, try it!
The long version? GIYF.
I am a coffee lover. However, I'd never have the patience to do all the things you just did there. However, I am interested in trying the different butter (s). I don't understand the point of the gelatin though? Other than for texture?
And I personally couldnt do the egg....unless i knew for sure I wouldn't get sick from it and it was actually good. For some reason i don't see how the egg makes it taste good.
However, those are all healthy fats and calorically solid. I always drink coffee in the morning. This could be a good way to provide some energy sustainance. I struggle with eating enough and correctly while balancing my calorically taxing job in PT helping the old folks. ....then having the PHYSICAL energy to run and workout. Bevause i love running. So, i like this idea because it would sustain you longer abd that's what i need. I bet itd be easier to go directly into a workout with just coffee made like this and not even need a major meal.
And I'm with you on BLACK coffee. GROSS!
Hilarious! Give a try one time (including the egg), I think you'll be a believer. The gelatin adds texture and probably works some other magic. I just like the way it changes the feel. Let me know how it goes!
I will let ya know how it goes. :) have a great day
That looks great though I did think adding an egg was a bit odd lol. Probably just me, plus I am english ;)
Try the egg, meister. :)
Eggs-cellent! ;)
That might be the craziest coffee I have ever seen. I am going to ask for that the next time I go to fivebuckx, I mean starbux. LOL
The fat is incredible for mental clarity too! I've found the pairing it with caffeine creates quite the focus while I sit and work.
I believe one of the worst things that's happened to our society was when "fat" become a marketing ploy for weight loss companies. It has such a negative connotation to it now and people try to stay away from it due to their lack of education.
But little do they know, our brains are comprised of 60% fat!
I try to get fat into not only my coffee but in other areas with avocados, nuts, and smoothies.
Rad! Try adding the egg, I got the idea from Phil Maffetone and totally fell in love with the taste and texture. -- The one thing I found with most smoothies is they have too much sugar for me; is that something that you're pretty careful about too?
Putting egg in coffee or smoothie?
And my smoothies are actually pretty solid:
(everything is organic)
The banana and fruit have sugar, but at least they aren't artificial!
We put an egg in our coffee. :) The fruits definitely have sugar in 'em, be careful of thinking it's super healthy just because it's fruit.