Haha about coffee breath. Especially my father, who would smoke and drink coffee.
I guess I will never forget and even miss that smell, when he is no longer around.
Do you ever fast from coffee, to get that virgin feeling back? I do it once every few months; Forgo my coffee for a week, and deal with the headaches so I can get high again.
How do you make your coffee? I love my aeropress.
I used to have a french press back when I lived without electricity, and I would hand smash my beans! I don't know if it was the effort or the medium that made it so fantastic, but man that was the best coffee! Life has changed since then, and now I use a regular ole electric coffee pot- it does do an awesome job at keeping up with me though!
I stopped drinking coffee ONCE and I lasted four days after friends insisted "You won't regret it!" they were so wrong... I experienced splitting headaches of jaw breaking strength, and spotty vision because of them. Probably were migraines, I called it hell lol! My hot bean water has got my number I suppose :)
I admire the resolve you have to commit to a coffee fast. It does sound like a wonderful way to fall in love with coffee all over again!