Many of us fell into it - we weren't necessarily looking for anything. Some of us even fell in love. Others were sent here for jobs. Why We STILL Live in Colombia is another matter entirely.
For me the people who can talk about this matter in the most intelligent way, are the ones who have dedicated all their time and effort to living here.
Those Who Live in Colombia
Finding a permanent life in Colombia isn't easy. It requires a lot of patience and introspection to keep your priorities on track as you try to carve out a living. Here are a few long time residents of Colombia telling us why they Live in Colombia
Toby de Lys - Colombia Investing
Toby de Lys, originally from New York, USA - actually grew up in Europe between Switzerland and France. His international perspective and business experience has allowed him to make valuable connections for foreign investments in Colombia. More information at http://www.colombiainvesting.com
Tigre Haller - Bogota Anglo Theater
Bogota would not be the same without this theater program headed by Tigre Haller, an American who has lived in Colombia for more than 14 years. Be sure to catch their next performance! Check out: facebook.com/batbogotaanglotheater/
Karen Attman - The Coffee Lady of Bogota
Originally from Philadelphia, USA Karen has lived in Colombia for more than 8 years now. To learn more about Karen Attman, check out: latin-american-coffee-academy.teachable.com/p/colombian-coffee-workshop for her exclusive online coffee workshop!
Brendan Corrigan - Wrong Way Corrigan Blog/Podcast
An Irish expat, Brendan has been in Colombia since 2011. He is a well-known broadcast journalist whose humorous anecdotes about life in Colombia keep us all on our toes. For more information about Brendan Corrigan, check out the following:
New podcast: https://anchor.fm/brendan-corrigan
Blog: http://blogs.eltiempo.com/wrong-way-corrigan/
Erin Donaldson - Coffee Axis Travel
Based in Manizales, in the Department of Caldas, Erin aspires to create love and appreciation for local brands, products and entrepreneurial projects of value and quality in the Coffee Axis. As a cultural journalist, she features coverage of notable local and regional artists and events. She has been in Colombia since 2012.
Why We Live In Colombia
The following is an excerpt by Toby de Lys, and is part of a much more extensive report which will eventually be published on http://www.colombiainvesting.com with long term forecasts and opportunities in Colombia.
After years of research, I have placed Colombia in first place for survival chances –for the following reasons (and this is just a sample of why):
1. Colombia is an OECD nation with heavy industry, a well-developed health care system (ranked No. 1 in the Americas by the WHO).
2. Colombia is one of the few nations on Earth where the majority of its population (about 85%) lives in the interior – and at higher altitudes.
3. Colombia is considered by many international organizations to be one of the top 10 breadbaskets of the world.
4. Colombia can yield food year-round, a very important fact in the event of a nuclear exchange and resulting nuclear winter (it produces its own gas, crude oil, refined fuels and coal – and is a regional leader with renewable energy vectors).
5. Colombia is on the Equator – which means that weather patterns would NOT take most radioactive clouds there; as nuclear clouds would most likely oscillate toward the central magnetic altitudes of either Northern or Southern Hemispheres.
6. Colombia is one of the most water-rich nations on Earth; mostly stemming from very pristine aquifers - but best of all, Colombia is almost never on the path of major hurricanes, etc.
7. As the most bio-diverse nation on Earth (per sq. meter), Colombia would be singularly capable of reseeding and replanting.
8. Colombia’s challenging topography would help shelter the core urban centers from violent marauding left-over populations (central Colombia has always been considered an island onto itself).
9. Colombia has the best electric grid in the region – most of which is in the interior of the country.
10. But most importantly, the Colombian people are singularly resilient, capable –and already accustomed to facing adversity –whilst ever improving and protecting their nation.
Which leaves us to evaluate how to Live in Colombia...
Colombia in Times of Coronavirus

By the beginning of January, we heard distant rumors from a distant land we couldn't visualize much less take as a personal threat. Yet, the horrible magic which was done in Wuhan spread its tentacles around the world and pulled tight.
In March, the situation escalated quickly. What had started as an extremely normal month suddenly became a two week media blitz culminating in the first forced quarantine which started on Friday the 13th.
April was an ever evolving chain of anxiety as we all watched the reports coming in from around the world. Italian expats mourned the chaos in their country as Americans everywhere began to get upset about their forced confinement.
May, has become the flashpoint of future anticipation. Industries are coming back online and we are preparing to enter what "authorities" claim will be the beginning of a gradual reactivation.
June could mean the re-opening of restaurants, but only to offer curbside take-out or delivery, or Domicilio. Coffee shops will have drastically reduced occupancy and bars will remain shut.
July is when reality will probably hit for those who Live in Colombia. This will be the trial by fire to see who is left standing as local rumor is predicting that up to 80% of Manizales, and 50% of Pereira service industries like restaurants, cafes and shopping malls will not be opening up and/or emptying out/changing their commercial spaces.
Permanent Cultural Changes

Will music, art and dance be a casualty of Coronavirus? We don't know yet.
Colombia will probably be a warm ghost of its once vibrant past culturally for people who Live in Colombia. This is a population which places extreme importance on appearance and hygiene. Many will continue to wear facemarks and do weird little "elbow bump" greetings. Some may go back to old habits and try to shrug it all off.
Traveling Colombia in 2020
In spite of Covid-19, the Coffee Region of Colombia is still a viable food production region combined with great weather and microclimates. July, is the earliest we recommend coming down here = but don't delay!
Already, readers and referrals have begun to write us asking about the cost of living and local information with plans to either visit or move her completely. Our VIP Lifestyle Consulting services will be here to help you avoid conflict and hassle while carving out a new life. We will be here to help you find the best long-term solution for your resettlement.
There are a few things we want you to bear in mind when contacting us:
- Prices will rise and there will be commercial upset. We will be carefully monitoring our local sponsors to ensure our information stays current and up to date.
- Security is paramount. Desperation is going to be an issue until Colombia comes back online completely - we will be taking precautions to ensure nothing untoward happens.
- All of our tours will now feature private car transport including pick-up and drop-off at your hotel or regional transport terminal.
These are the three biggest changes we anticipate for those who want to Live in Colombia. It is our commitment to ensure you find the best long term solution for creating a unique lifestyle in Colombia.
A Word To Social Security Benficiaries
If your monthly stipend is less than $1,500 USD per month, per person - don't come here to live. The Colombian Coffee Axis was already a tight budget squeeze for many retirees who have come here on incomes of $1,000 USD or less - now it will be a significant struggle for people who aren't well adapted to local custom, food traditions and housing culture.
The cheap life no longer exists, unless you are willing to invest yourself in adaptation. Cooking classes, local cultural events and regional history are all important pieces - but we can help you learn.
Our Long Term Financial Perspective
We highly recommend that people who live here plan to have diversified investments that include stable Cryptocurrencies, Real Estate and physical Gold/Silver holdings. Colombia has an excellent long-term survivability, but hyperinflation will wipe most people out at some point if they limit their portfolios to the here and now. Avoid debt at all costs.
Food Security Information
In March, a decree went out to all farmers to continue their regular operations while taking precautions. Since then we ARE seeing some supply-chain upsets, but nothing like what the US is experiencing currently as they destroy animals and crops due to massive demand shortfalls.
During the entire quarantine, the main food distribution center in Manizales (Plaza de Mercado/La Galeria), has been operating at only 30-50% of its regular intensity.
This means that many places are closed and the distribution is being dictated by available personnel and national quarantine rules. The only shortages are imported fruits like apples and kiwis.
Our VIP Expat Lifestyle Consulting
We are studying trends and carefully positioning local logistics for times of coronavirus et. al. If you come to Live in Colombia we will have the information you need when you need it.
Our team can help you find the perfect house/apartment to buy or rent - across realty agencies and local private sellers.
We have top-notch legal consultant recommendations for the best regional professionals. Avoid future headaches and loss of capital.
Our culture of education ensures that we will be at your side helping you adapt to local culture in a way that allows you to create a fully integrated lifestyle, and create connections with like-minded individuals.
Email us for more information at [email protected] - please contact us at least 1 month prior to arrival.
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