So what's the difference between these two cents?
One is a 1968, the other 1987. Both Philadelphia mint. One Lincoln is bigger than the other, maybe because one weighs 3.11 grams and the other 2.5 grams.
But the real difference is not what you see, but what you know.
The older penny is made of 95% copper and 5% zinc.
But when copper prices spiked, the copper in the penny was worth more than a penny. So beginning from 1982, pennies are made of copper coated zinc (97.5% zinc and 2.5% copper).
So if you want to save your pennies, save the ones minted before 1982.
Because of the new zinc cores you can make penny battrys and power stuff with a little vinagar and water.
I made one a couple years ago to poswer an led.
rub one side of the pennies on the sidewalk till the zinc core is exposed, then soak cardboard chuncks in 10-1 watter to vinagar and stack the pennies coper touching soaked cardboard on one side and the other side is the zinc, that makes a single cell. you can stack as many cells as you want. i had 10 cells going and it was pumping out 1.5v at 0.5amps for like 2 days till the cardboard dried out. just get it wet again and it runs another 2 days.
yep some pointless information from me tonight.
If the power grid goes down it ain't that useless, you can make some form of elettricity with just some common stuff.
Maybe you can make a post on how to make a battery with pennies and vinagar. Better than alot of other junk that's posted.
yeah a little science can go a long way in a bind.
Now that you mention it i might have to look around for that stack of pennies, i got it somewhere.
If i can find them ill make a post if not ill have to think about if i really want to spend another hour scraping down pennies on the sidewalk.
Could be fun to see other make some penny battries after posting it.
Thank you for the awesome idea. Might be my goal for today after posting the picts of my first silver arival of the year.
Actually with this info and considering price of copper your pre-1982 penny is now worth $0.02 if you sell it as a scrap metal.
I wouldn't sell it as scrap metal. It's worth 2 cents now, but i the future it could be more. Then if enough get destroyed, they could become collector items.
che ti sei messo a collezionare monete?
Lo facevo da ragazzo. Una moneta è 95% rame, l'altro è 2,5% rame. La moneta piu vecchia vale un centesimo, ma con il contenuto di rame ni vale il doppio.
Well I never knew that.
Well, now you know.
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