트론, 버지를 뛰어넘을 진정한 실생활 야동코인 - 트론 버지 성인 코인으로 인정받네요!!!

in #coin7 years ago

트론은 포른허브뿐만이 아니고 같은 회사계열 인기 야동사이트인 브래져스 및 여러 탑순위권 포르노 사이트에서 프리미어 회원권

결제수단으로 쓰이게 됐습니다!!!



From lithographs to polaroids to VHS, pornography has been a key to pushing forward technology as far back as recorded history. A dirty secret maybe but one that Tron founder Justin Sun must recognize as he has partnered with Pornhub.

Pornhub Accepting TRX and Zcash Soon
Pornhub, which recently made payments available with the cryptocurrency Verge (XVG), will now soon be accepting Tron’s TRX as well as Zcash (ZEC) as payment for all their services. “Decentralized payment systems have continued to grow in popularity, and cryptocurrency adoption is exploding across a broad economic spectrum,” Pornhub VP Corey Price said in a statement that went on to add:

“Today, cryptocurrencies are especially viable in the adult entertainment industry because they are privacy-centric and incorporate more anonymity tools than traditional tender.”

Meanwhile, Tron founder Justin Sun has also bought the peer to peer sharing platform BitTorrent for an unconfirmed $118 million in cash, not crypto, according to the entertainment trade site Variety. BitTorrent was launched in 20o4 and has had a legacy of legal problems due to copyright infringement with a number of countries shutting down their sites and trackers.

With a reported 170 million users, including on its sub-client BitTorrent now, the torrent platform has been looking for a buyer for a number of years after failed negotiations with several other interested parties including TiVo.

Tron Buys BitTorrent for $118 Million
According to a statement made by Tron about their plans, it “aims to be a decentralized entertainment content-sharing platform eventually leveraging blockchain and peer-to-peer network technology.” Which according to insiders can be read to mean that BitTorrent will be used as a base to increase the number of users of TRX, much as the deal with Pornhub is meant to do.

While partnering with a content provider boasting 90 million daily users, as Pornhub claims to have, using the TRX token is, on the face of it, a very good move. Others have wondered if the deal may put off companies with more traditional interests creating partnerships. Tron has been a steady climber in the market since its launch in 2017 and though its market cap is down almost 50% in the last three weeks its token is in the green at the time of writing according to livecoinwatch.

Along with adding both Zcash and TRX to its payment options, Pornhub has also just added a closed captioning feature for over 1,000 of its most popular videos as part of its philanthropic efforts which come under the company’s Pornhub cares umbrella.

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해외에서도 트론의 야동코인의로써의 실생활사용에 대해 기사화하고 있고 토렌트의 방대한 P2P 야동데이타까지 확장하려는 저스틴의 의도도 조금씩 기사화 하고 있네요. 트론을 통한 방대한 토렌트의 야동데이타도 하루빨리 이용할 수 있으면 좋겠습니다.

트론은 버지를 뛰어넘는 진정한 야동 엔터테인먼트 코인으로써 실생활에 가장 근접한 코인으로 거듭나고 있습니다. 가격이 버지를 따라갈지언정 실생활에서 트론을 가지고 실제 서비스를 이용할 수 있습니다.

포른허브 공식발표영상에서 트론의 미래를 아주 잘 표현하고 있습니다.
