Coinbase is usually considered a trust worthy site to buy/sell/store Bitcoin and various other cryptocurrencies; however if you take a quick look at their User Agreement your point of view may change!
If you scroll down a bit you'll find the following section:
Now at this point you may not think much however if you take your time to read through everything you then realise just how vulnurable a cloud/software wallet is, especially to government/external tampering
So this point goes along with the new Senate Bill being passed; If the bill does get passed wallets like coinbase will easily hand over your cryptocurrencies without a fight!
Moral of the story?
Don't trust coinbase don't trust the government and hardware wallets > software/cloud wallets
Interesting research. I'm going to go back and read their User Agreement and other policies. But private keys are usually the way to go for safety. Coinbase is convenient, but not nearly as secure for your funds.
Here's the link to Coinbase's User Agreement and other policies:
Super post