Since 2018, the Coinbase trading platform has launched Coinbase Earn, which allows users to "earn crypto-currencies to answer quizzes, perform tasks and try new decentralized protocols," the company explains.
For the moment, it is only possible to obtain the following crypto-currencies, but many other altcoins should be available soon: EOS, Stellar Lumens (XLM), Zcash (ZEC), Bastic Attention Token (BAT) and Ox (ZRX).
Unfortunately, STEEM is still not tradeable on Coinbase yet. I am looking forward to the day where people around the world can learn about STEEM on Coinbase Earn.
For now, if you are interested to learn about EOS or Stellar Lumens, do use my invitation links below:
I have already earn more than 100$ in crypto with Coinbase Earn, and just 50$ in EOS and the same in XLM!
Why having created Coinbase Earn?
The idea started from a simple observation: lack of knowledge is often a major obstacle in obtaining and using crypto-currencies. Thus, after conducting a survey, the company found that for people to explore a new crypto-active, they needed to have knowledge about that asset.
The main goal of Coinbase Earn is to be able to teach interested people more concepts related to the world of crypto-currencies.
It is no longer just a question of undermining or buying them, but of understanding and winning them. Coinbase wanted to create a kind of "reliable, secure and legal bridge to the crypto-economy".
For Coinbase, it was important to create a place with new opportunities for users to know exactly:
- What blockchain technology is,
- Why such a crypto-currency was developed,
- What are the specific characteristics of some crypto-currencies,
- How to use the crypto-currencies presented,
- What are the company's development projects concerned,
- etc.
This is a new and fun way to win more than 100$ in crypto-currencies without having a credit card or bank account to use to buy crypto-currencies.
Coinbase Earn is now available in more than 100 countries
With this international expansion, which has accelerated significantly this year, Coinbase continues to offer its various services in more and more countries.
For the company, "anyone with a smartphone in a supported country can now earn cryptos while learning about crypto-currencies just by creating a free Coinbase account".
Initially, Coinbase Earn was only available by invitation. Since the Coinbase platform is now available in 104 countries at the time of writing, Coinbase Earn is expanding its offer to all these countries.
Depending on your country of residence, you will be able to access Coinbase Earn instantly after being "verified". Otherwise, you will be on the waiting list.

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Your PC is slow? That's why!
Why is it important to Be Discreet on the Internet
What Do Tech Giants Know About You? A New Tool To Get An Idea!
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How an Adware works?
That's how you should guard against Trojan!
What are the different Types of hackers?

Thanks for the info.
Posted using Partiko Android
I will try when have time.
Posted using Partiko Android
The videos are 1 to 2 minutes long so you can watch them one by one when you want to give you the time to learn and to earn cryptos, thank you for your interest in my posts ;-)
Have you tried it?
Registered, now waiting to be approved.
Posted using Partiko Android
I am verified 2nd lvl and still on waiting list. Know people waiting for 2months now and still nothing. Invites links don't change it either
In which country do you live? I have just waited 1 week, strange
I'm from Poland
Still not?