Our CoinFestUK Ticket system is live! We pre-released to our RSVPs on Meetup.com and have just passed the 200 count on ticket sales (Although tickets are free!)
Here is our ticket link: https://coinfestuk.org/tkts/. Remember tickets are free! Ticket holders get an automatic entry into our free raffle! Our current raffle goodies include: HODL Mug, BTC Embroided scarf, BTC 3D Puff Pom Pom Knit Cap, Genesis Mug, OpenDime, Digital Bitboxes, SuperBitcoiner Keyring and BTC Fork (Photos of these can be found on our website)
Our website is being updated as our activities are confirmed, we have included some confirmed activities of our event below
Our headline sponsor - Ethbits
Our 2018 sponsors include: Ethbits, Monetaryunit, BitCore, Crown, MyHardwareWallet, BittyBot, XGOX, InspiringCo, MyBit.io, CoinCorner, IPChaindatabase
We will have an MC for our 2018 event, our confirmed MC is Chris Coney
We are still working on confirming more workshops but our current confirmed workshops include: Portsmouth Crypto, InspiringCoUK, ColmoreFX, Glynn Bird and Blockchain Manchester -
Our confirmed artists/rappers for CoinFestUK 2018 are: BitcoinRat and CryptoRaptor these will be performing
Our confirmed exhibitors include- Ethbits, Mue, Crown, MyHardwareWallet, InspiringCoUK, ColmoreFX, Physibit, IPChainDatabase and BlockChainers
Speakers include- Ilyas Vali – rLoop, Crown Team, Biyan Mienert, Mohamed EL KANDRI, BitcoinRat, Danny Brewster, William Hern, Theo Goodman and Matthew Rodbourne