Your Apple Computer = Hardware wallet for EOS?
Hello, this is OWDIN.
EOSIO 1.1.0 update was released yesterday, and one of the most interesting feature that was added was the hardware wallet support using OSX Secure Enclave function.
Simply put, all MacBook users can use their own laptop as a hardware wallet using OSX Secure Enclave without buying other expensive wallets.
This post is a guide on creating a hardware wallet using TouchID!
Step by Step Guide
- keosd compile
Once you code sign the eos software after downloading and compiling it, you can use OSX Secure Enclave.
Please refer to the Apple developer site to find out more about code signing.
You can visit the OWDIN github page, if you need some more tips.
2.Execute newly compiled keosd
2-1.How to execute keosd
2-2.Cleos options
3.SecureEnclave wallet open
3-1.Retrieve Wallet List
3-2.Wallet unlock by Touch ID
4.Create SecureEnclave key
Create R1 key
5.Create an account
5-1.Create a new account
system newaccount [softwallet_account] [hardwallet_account] [owner key] [active key] --stake-net "1.0000 SYS" --stake-cpu "1.0000 SYS" --buy-ram "0.1000 SYS"
5-2.Send currency
Reference :
eosio 1.1.0 release :
secure enclave issue :
Signed keosd :
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If you are interested in claiming free Byteballs ($10+), just for having a Steem account, please visit this post for instructions:
Looks very complicated! Ledger support will be better for mainstream