Basic necessities, not gold and silver, are the best security during the coming global economic collapse.

in #collapse7 years ago

Governments have manipulated the price of gold and silver massively to keep people from 'seeing' it as an investment ... they have been very successful at this and they will continue to do this even to the detriment of any and all business that rely upon gold and silver - essentially the market be DAMNED ...

Gold and Silver will eventually return to real market value - but that won't be until WELL AFTER the collapse of the economy ... not until well after the average joe has had to sell nearly every last ounce at the low price in order to feed themselves and their families.

As such Gold and Silver are horrible hedges against the coming collapse. Horrible.

Instead, at the very minimum, buy long life foods. After you have enough of that to last you a month, buy more. When you have enough to last six months, buy more. When you have enough to feed yourself and to trade with your neighbors (for their gold and silver) ... THEN you have enough.

Once you have ENOUGH to trade your excess food for things that will later on become valuable - then you've engaged in successful arbitrage.

Beware those in the business of selling gold and silver who tell you differently (as below).
