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RE: The Heart and Soul of the New Decentralized World

Thanks B for the enthusiasm.

You are right about the corporations. They can commit crimes and no one ever goes to jail. They pay fines! No one is even blamed. It is the “corporation” that did it.

I guess the way I look at it is that the people living in the present world see through “perceptions”. Perceptions do not equal truth.

Also in this world, it is all about power. Power is important because humans are at war constantly with other humans.

If you consider all this you can see why justice is so rare. It is hard for people speaking the truth to present enough power to enact justice.. People are not united in a powerful way as everyone has their own “perceptions” and need or fear of power.

I really believe that the corporations and their misdeeds will only be righted once the underlying base that supports them is removed. When people operate on logic rather that perception, when people are united through the authority of logic they will have power.. When humans are united or interact through logic they will no longer be able to demonize ( a fallacy) one another and wage terrible war.

We live in the wild, wild west where power rules even though it is unjust and perceptions have every one against another.

Anonymity is an important aspect of this. I believe blochchain technology will help greatly. One for privacy, two, to prevent power centralization.. What you said is all good.

I hope more people are able to consider this. We need to focus more on solutions I believe. Thanks again!


The corporation then says:
Thats fine is fine with me.

The justice system should be more just.
That means that justice just ain't all that just just yet

the blockchain is not really helping privacy as crooks are able to look into our wallets without being seen BY US. I wnat to know who what where when why looked into my wallet. and then still my privacy was affected just by looking.
I have curtains, i have a door in my house, but on the blockchain i'm naked
If we have real privacy then we don't need secrecy nor anonimity?
I need to look into that again...

yeah solutions hehehe... and also the cause why shit has a smell in the first place

I like your use of the word, just