There is nothing surprising in the fact that humanity sees Mars as a place for the first colony in Space. Venus is about two times closer to Earth than Mars but has a very toxic atmosphere, pressure 92 times greater than on Earth, and because of the greenhouse effect the surface temperature reaches 450 °C.
Even robots can't normally "live" on Venus, the current record of functioning spacecraft on the surface of this planet is 2 hours!
Moon is closer than Mars, but there is almost no suitable materials for construction, so all have to be delivered from Earth, and the colony will not be autonomous.
Temperature on Mars is about -50 °C, there are reserves of ice, which allows to synthesize the fuel and oxygen, energy can be generated from solar panels. That's why we look to Mars with the hope, although it has serious flaws... Mars has an atmosphere, but it is very rarefied and the planet don't have magnetic field, so the protection from solar radiation is very weak.
Scientists believe that Mars lost its protection around 4.2 billion years ago, when its core has ceased to be liquid, that led to the loss of the magnetic field that held the atmosphere. In the next 500 million years the solar wind literally blew away the atmosphere.
Background radiation on the surface of the red planet in 2.2 times higher than on ISS - is essentially the boundary of the permissible limits for humans. On Mars people will be exposed to 8 rad per year (on Earth this value is 0.62 rad per year). But during Strong solar flares the radiation background on Mars sometimes jumps to 2000 rad per day. ie humanity can't count on life on the surface, there is no technology that can protect against such radiation doses.

At the moment the only solution is the construction of colonies under the ground. But it will require huge costs to the delivery of equipment, conducting of excavations and construction works below ground. With the same success we can start to build under the ground on our planet.

Therefore, scientists recommend to pay attention on Titan. It is the largest moon of Saturn and the only object in our solar system which has a fairly dense atmosphere to protect from cosmic radiation.
The atmosphere of Titan consists of 95% nitrogen and its density is 50% higher than earth's atmosphere. Low temperature (-180 °C) does not allow to stay on the surface without a spacesuit, but enough to cover the work area with a heated dome, that will allow to travel on the surface with only a breathing mask. (On Mars this dome can't protect against radiation).

And the main advantage of Titan: seas and lakes of methane and ethane (here is the missile fuel) and dunes of solid hydrocarbons that are the perfect source for the production of various materials.
The absence or low amounts of hydrocarbons on Mars is a serious problem- now Elon Musk is actively thinking how to start the synthesis of hydrocarbons on Mars to reduce its dependence on supplies from Earth.
Without going into details of the importance of hydrocarbons to humans, In other words is oil. Hydrocarbons is a source for the production of: polyethylene, plastics, rubber, synthetic fibers, dozens of chemicals.
Hydrocarbons provide autonomy for the colony, which after starting their recycling can develop itself without supplies from Earth. According to preliminary estimates, the reserves of hydrocarbons on the Titan in hundreds times more than on Earth.

Right under the surface of Titan are huge deposits of water ice. From there you can easily extract oxygen for breathing and combustion of hydrocarbons.
But, let's add a modicum of objectivity, moreover we considered the disadvantages of Mars. It is difficult to say that Titan has the "perfect" conditions for life of people. And in fact scientists are highly overrated its advantages over Mars.
Low gravity (7 times below Earth's) can cause diseases of the muscles and deposition of calcium in the body. Gravity on Mars is only 3 times lower.
Low temperature, the average value of -180 °C. The average temperature on Mars is -50 °C. Ie we have gone from the problem of radiation protection in space suits, but it is necessary to solve the problem of heating and insulation, including for residential premises.
More dense and poisonous atmosphere, the pressure is 1.5 times below Earth's. Methane rains with a mixture of hydrocarbons (particulate matter), which can cause damage to fragile coatings- it is necessary to increase the strength of building materials.
For the synthesis of oxygen from the ice, need to deploy nuclear power plants. The same thing must be done on Mars. BUT! On Mars the explosion of such a station will remain local. And if such station will explode on Titan it will ignite the entire surface of the planet due to the large amount of methane. This will turn the Titan into a second Venus, with a huge greenhouse effect.
And the main problem is the distance from Earth to Titan. With the modern engines, the one way travel will take 7 years! Flight to Mars takes between 150-300 days. This makes impossible to support normal communication with the colonists and doesn't allow to respond quickly to a critical situation.

So at this point, colonization of Titan - it's only dreams, while a colony on Mars can be implemented in the next decade. No doubt that Titan will be the main purpose of humanity immediately, after solving the problem the speed of movement in Space.
sources: Lets colonize Titan, Titan is better than Mars, Colonization of Titan, Colonization of Mars, Titan, Mars, Odyssey images from WiKi, www.nasa.gov and Google search
Great job! I only wish we'd get back to understanding how to live here first before going out there to do the same thing some of us, by now most of us, are doing, wrecking the place where we live. Thanks for the sharing and namaste :)
Thank you.
Well, success in this area can theoretically be of great benefit to our planet, in the sense that it will decrease the environmental pollution on the Earth. Why get crumbs here, if you can extract the mountain of sources on "dead" planets.
...Because nothing is "dead", everything has a purpose way beyond what anyone, or anything, could ever know and bringing about risks to our own survival.
For instance, if we decided to do some mining for helium 3 on the moon, even if it looks dead the resulting effect would create a major acceleration toward phasing out of our seasons on the planet here, only to mention one example.
Playing billiard with the cosmos, involves playing with our own backyard sort a speak. Becoming responsible doesn't risk anyone's life and improve the potential to all, especially the ones to come. If we were to ever get to that point where we would be, again, responsible for our sustained life on this planet, then I'd greatly support the advancement toward colonization of any so-called planet or moon. Unfortunately, till then, I see it more like a attempt to either deflect what needs to be done by ourselves to save ourselves, a potentially unaware and frivolous "mad-scientist" idea or simply a mad idea in itself, fun to entertain but most potentially deadly to apply.
Now, if we consider the risk management of it all, I can only come back to is it worth the risk, especially considering the alternatives which would be an awful lot more cost effective on the long run? From there, do we have the time??? If time were to be of the essence, then wouldn't the people involved really push toward efficiency to resolve this matter once and for all as the incentive would continuously build in strength toward everyone's mind?
Life is riding on the edge of a knife for the ones not following the law of nature and, for the rare few who still can cling to their rights to do so, life is already in matters of balance but they sure do have an edge on the latter. Namaste :)
I got told by people about this and the theory is that supposedly because of the distance it would be easier to colonise Mars generally. However I completely disagree, we're talking about have not just one or two people going up to space for awhile but potentially hundreds of thousands.
These are all people who are going to have to be on a planet together for ages without support from their home planet. Which is why as far as I'm concerned the only real practical option would be to pick a planet that has a proper atmosphere like our own where at the very least they can breathe without any kind of apparatus.
Think about it, imagine how ridiculous it's going to be having to send actual shipments of oxygen and water constantly back and forth between mars in order to sustain everyone there. It may be much further away to get an atmosphere with a planet but at least the colonists involved would have a much better chance of surviving especially if they had their own water supply too.
I can't understand the obsession people have with Mars, the only way we could make it at all practical to live there would be to have a truly self-sustaining colony ( currently impossible with our level of technology ) or to terraform the atmosphere so that we can breathe it.
It's an interesting problem but with our current technology there's no way in good conscience I would ever consider letting anyone go to fucking mars except on a temporary basis like with the moon landings.
I agree that the obsession with Mars is exaggerated is not the best planet for living, it would be wise to address the development of the engines, or technology-terraforming (at least in limited areas), such as the impact craters, not the whole planet.
For example the Chinese are very wise to approach this question, they want to first develop the production of helium-3 on the Moon, this element is ideal for creating fusion energy sources, it can help to make a breakthrough in the energy sector, and create new technology.
NASA = national academy of space actors. In a recent video they admitted they are trying to find ways to pass through the Van Allen belt. Nobody has been to the moon. Space travel is a hoax. There are no real pictures of earth as a ball. Water is always flat. There is no curvature. Look at the UN Logo and you will see a map of the real world. Earth is a realm, not a planet.
Maybe you're right and we're all blind fools -_-
Very good post...but who is to say they are not already colonized?
That their interior is not colonized?
I would say that it is increasingly our most imperative challenge to fix THIS planet.
To solve our issues as a human race and to transform our destructive ways of living into harmonious ways of living.,
It doesn't matter where we go in the universe - or multiverse for that matter - if we cant change OURSELVES.
In global terms, the goal of colonization is not only the extension of habitat of humanity but also access to vast sources of minerals. Resources available on Earth is a grain of sand in comparison with the cosmic sources.
Progress is not read with consequences that it causes to the environment, so it was on our planet, so it will be for others.
Of course it is.
The only "progress" of any species is the evolution of consciousness.
The more we rise in consciousness the less resources we use.
There are beings who create zero pollution.....
But it would seem as though you wouldn't understand such things.
You probably could not even imagine it
I wonder, how many things that there are in existence that you couldn't possibly imagine?
Such is the Achilles heel of the scientific mind.
So we should just use up the resources of the universe with no question of how it affects life around us yes?
We should not utilize methods of channeling the infinite energy that exists all around us to take care of energy consumption matters?
What resources could we possibly need that is not contained within the zero point field?
Tesla attempted to bring forth this knowledge....he was murdered because of people like you who wanted to keep this perpetual cycle of destruction going because profiting from free energy is not possible
What resources could we possibly need, gold?
Should we follow the footsteps of the annunaki?
Or should we open up our fucking minds?
Wow, mate you are too aggressive for person with the open mind :)
You are telling about "progress" of species, and i said about progress of civilization and technology.
This does not mean that I am a supporter of the current methods of the development of our civilization with the enormous environmental damage. I just pointed out to you the actual state of affairs, which is so obvious, and which is unlikely to change soon. Even with the support of fanatics like you.
DO not assume that I am aggressive just because I have offended you.
This word of "fanatics" is not applicable to me.
That is the oppisite of what I am. I take everything with an open mind and reconize that all possibilities exist.
I simply wished to inform you of such matter s because endless consumption of resources is simple NOT proggess.
Yes, I am allowed to express the truth because when people call me "fanatic", it does not effect my "credibility" as I do not work for the dying system that supports "political correctness"
Things can change in a matter of mere seconds.
The only constant is change and everything is in a constant flux....
but I understand how easily it is to be mind controlled...
Thanks for calling me a fanatic when I upvoted your article and have nothing against you or your opinions!
I will send you much love!
Well, you are right it was rudely, just as your phrase:
It doesn't excuse my rudeness, probably shows my lack of restraint. But for me, as for any engineer Tesla is one of the most respected inventors and scientists in history.
In any case you are not quite correctly interpreted my first post:
I also overreacted to your answer. I also have nothing against your views, but try not to continue to throw baseless accusations and row one size fits all.
Anyway, take my apologies.
I heard that Venus radiates more energy than it absorbs...
In a sense, probably Yes. Depends on what is meant by the radiates energy. Because of the very dense atmosphere a large percentage of the energy received from the Sun cannot "leave" Venus (for example Mercury radiates into space 90% of solar energy, that he got) thus be the accumulation of energy.
Personally, I would love to be one of the first colonists. Where I live in Colorado someone was entered into the program to be one of the trainees who would attempt to make it to 2017 when they first send a ship.... or something like that.
Because of this story I heard about I dove into research about the planet, colonies, as well as wondering what kind of training they have to go through. This was a few years ago and I haven't heard much about the training or advancement of the program but who knows.
I think they are still in a hurry with sending colonists, would not be surprised if the first to send drones for initial tests. Although if there are people who voluntarily take such high risks, it is possible to send people, but I think a person must go through a very strong preparation. Comparable to the training for doctors of science in the useful area+ physical training.
Yea, the program I mentioned is something they had to commit to from 2014-2017 It was run by Nasa and I remember them all saying goodbye to their families because no one was ever going to see them again. I think they are being held in a Nasa facility undergoing extreme preparation. I couldn't imagine not seeing my family for 3 years, and then going to mars. I would probably do it though if the opportunity presented itself.
Jealous of you, there is a strong spirit of adventure inside you :) I would agree to fly only in ready and tested colony :D
Nah, that wouldn't be fun. I am a natural born leader for sure, adventure is always in my heart. I guess it is why I am 27 and still feel so lost in this world. 7 kids in my direct family. All same mom and dad, they are all married and I am 2nd oldest, not married, no kids, just quit the best job I ever had because I wasn't happy.... Now, I am just at my mom's helping her pack up the house, and try to get things in order to sell it. I don't know how long I will be here.
The colony though, I would volunteer to be the first to travel there and establish it, I was raised in a place where I was taught to survive and grow just about anything.
There is no place like Earth
Very well put together and informative post. Great job!
Very interesting post!
It certainly brought some diverse opinions to the comments!
While the surface of Venus may be very inhospitable, there are ideas to build floating cities or colonies in the atmosphere. This puts them above the crushing pressures of the thick atmosphere and above the worst of the sulfuric acid clouds, and since they'd be floating where the atmospheric pressure would be equal to that of Earth you'd only need to maintain an atmosphere like that on a submarine. The breathable atmosphere even functions as the lifting gas for the colony!
Of course you have to get this structure to Venus in the first place.
Venus colonization article on wikipedia
It really is feasible, but first we have to learn how to build colonies on the relatively "peaceful" planets :)
Great Post!