Mimosa pudica comes from Latin: pudica "shy, bashful or shrinking"; also called sensitive plant, sleepy plant, or in Indonesian we called it as Putri Malu (shy princess) is a creeping annual or perennial herb. The compound leaves fold inward and droop when touched or shaken, defending themselves from harm, and re-open a few minutes later. This is my favorite plant from my childhood, I often spending times only to touch it and watch how it react.
Putri Malu (Latin: Mimosa Pudica), pudica berarti malu. Juga sering disebut tanaman yang sensitif adalah tumbuhan yang daunnya tertutup apabila disentuh atau di goncang, hal ini merupakan sistem pertahanan tumbuhan ini dan daunnya akan kembali membuka beberapa menit kemudian. I i adalah tumbuhan favorit saya semasa kanak2, saya sering menghabiskan waktu menyentuhnya dan kemudian menunggu daunnya kembali terbuka, haha.

Well, recently I feel like I have no idea about what to draw or what to write, so I decide to take my camera and exploring my backyard. Here I find some beautiful wild plants. Besides Putri Malu I have no idea what is the rest plant's name.
Akhir2 ini saya semacam kehilangan ide menggambar, jadi saya putuskan untuk mengambil kamera dan mengeksplor halaman belakang rumah saya. Saya menemukan beberapa tumbuhan liar namun indah untuk dijadika objek foto.

We can find beautiful things in many places, because everything that we see is base on our perspective in live. I have a friend who told me "You always find interesting objects in every where". Well, I didn't find it, it's been there but not everyone able to see the beautiful side of those things.
Sebenarnya kita dapat menemukan hal indah hampir disemua tempat dan keadaan, karena keindahan itu sendiri lahir dari sudut pandang kita dalam melihat segala hal. Apabila kita melihat sesuatu dari sisi postitif kita akan selalu menemukan keindahan dibaliknya, begitu juga sebaliknya.

Really nice set of flowers, I love the colour of these, my favourite! Small and beautiful!
Yeah they are beautiful though many people consider them as weeds.
Yes! Looking for the beauty in life is a wonderful perspective. I try to do the same. :)
That's good for you ^ ^
Small things for happiness seeker ya,, it's so beautiful.. 😊
Thanks ^ ^