Color Challenge Friday Blue
I love #colorchallenge blue! One of my favorite ways to capture acroyoga lifts is by putting the flyer in the blue sky.
I hope you enjoy the shots! :)
Thanks for all you love and support!
I love #colorchallenge blue! One of my favorite ways to capture acroyoga lifts is by putting the flyer in the blue sky.
I hope you enjoy the shots! :)
Thanks for all you love and support!
@acromott looks very beautiful
Thanks! :)
thank you back friend and have a nice day,👍
Thanks ! This was such a fun shoot
wwwooooowwwww my handsome friend awsome awsome photo 💙💙
haha Thanks!! ;)
wow its really looks very beautiful
very nice
beautiful athletes
keep going
thank you so much
great skills, my friend
The photography is at its best. Fantastic work keep it up. But one thing I must say please share more photos so that we can entertain your photos. Again Awesome photos, thanks for sharing.
I thought she was missing an arm... was I the only one who thought so
Well didn't know Arcoyoga was a thing, but that's pretty impressive. You guys win on the physical effort for a photo challenge by miles :)
It seems great .it is also good for health technique + power + concentration
By the way blue is my favorite color....
Featured your post in my last beer tasting. I hope it gets you more views and clicks! Cheers!
This looks so easy....but I know it only looks so easy...!
Are those photos taken with GoPro?