Wow, that's a real "tricked out" ride you got there. Love the way you've made it unique and giving it a personality all its own. Plus Sacramento is a place I'd love to visit some day.
Really great post. Loving your creative edge. Thanks for sharing. :)
Ohhh, very nice, so sweet. Ride like a boss. Pink motorcycles necer die :)
Wow, that's a real "tricked out" ride you got there. Love the way you've made it unique and giving it a personality all its own. Plus Sacramento is a place I'd love to visit some day.
Really great post. Loving your creative edge. Thanks for sharing. :)
You're very welcome
А у нас по городу когда-то ездил розовый хаммер)
Я как-то велосипед похожий видела в Мюнхене)
Тут было прикольно - стая брутальных байкеров - все в чёрном, и среди них - леди
А ещё видел фотку с розовым автомат

Ну да. Затейливо
That is some style :) If only she had pink shoes...
I could ride such one if somebody gave it to me for a birthday. Wouldn't have anything against. 😜
very nice ;-)
Superb click! Good shot @allfabeta. Good luck!
wow great good bike thanks for sharing %^$%&&%($^&%)&($)^)$^)$)^$)^)#&
Awesome bike!
only me one is confused by her gray seat?
I Like this Color @allfabeta thaks
Very cute pink moter bike!!💕
This is unique picture. I liked it so much.