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RE: ColorChallenge SundayPurple Roses | Canada Blooms Flower Show

in #colorchallenge7 years ago

Thanks so much @gypsybutterfly! It was a display at an indoor event, a flower/gardening show called Canada Blooms that happens at Exhibition Place every year just in time for spring. I have some more pics/info about it here(if you're interested).. ♡


I checked those other photos. You're very talented. Do people win ribbons or anything for their displays? That flower gown was something. Besides photography, do you also garden?

Thank you so much, you're very kind.. ♡ It was my first time ever at this particular show(and I went on the last day) but I believe they did have voting(for your fav display) + all kinds of little hands-on workshops + a lot of different speakers on the many aspects of gardening. I wouldn't consider myself very good at gardening, but I do dabble in it and find it very relaxing and rewarding.. :) How about you @gypsybutterfly? Do you enjoy gardening and/or photography? ♡

I would like to garden, but, my husband & I have never lived in a place with a yard or much of one, anyway. My grandma really had a green thumb. Growing different vegetables, fruits, flowers. I don't know if I'd have the skill she had, but, I'd like to try. We're working toward getting a house with some property. As for photography. I'm the main kitty volunteer at the local shelter. Taking notes & pics to share information & observations with the other volunteers & public. Other than that, I rarely take any. Though, I like certain visuals (sunsets, rainbows, a field of wildflowers), I've always been more about words.