Sharing this photo with you as we are busy moving and packing boxes in preparation for our new adventure, and I didn't have much content to share as most of this week has been upside down with the move preparations and work hasn't been kind either.
I almost posted about another flower, but then the gagging reflex kicked in from the content on my wall, so I thought I would do you and myself a favour and stay away from another flower post.
Hope you enjoy, but if you don't no hard feelings.
oh yes, I love color blue!!!
Thank you
This reminded me of another useless piece of info. When the Space race started , it was found that Fountain Pens could not write in Space?, The Americans spent Millions of Dollars developing the Ball Point Pen, the Russians used pencils!
I just looked this up and found it to be rubbish , so it really is a useless bit of info!
A good idea.
I invite you to see my photos:)