This time it was probably the easiest decision so far on what to upload for Monday Colorchallenge.
Those who follow my blog from time to time already know that i was was picking mushrooms three days strait. I have picked Boletus, but Amanita Muscaria always distracted me from my main goal and i have spent half of the time taking pictures of them.

The forest itself was quite dense so light levels where low. Since i took all those images with Sony a6300 which has smaller APS-C sensors, it's low light capabilities are somewhat limited so there is quite a lot of visible noise in the shots. I also use 16-50 kit lens, which is nice in good lightning conditions but it's F/3.5 max aperture does not allow enough light in, and lack a little bit of sharpness too.

Have a great week!
David @BeScouted
nice shots... well done :)
nice color and excellent shots! great work.
Thanks :)
I like mushrooms. You can see them on my blog:)
I will check it out :)
I hope you picked all of those.
Great pictures.
If you make a spore print from that, I will buy it from you.
Nope, i did not :) I do not even know what a spore print is :)
If you cut off the top of the mushroom, and place it face down on tinfoil.
Cover it with something, let it sit for 24 hr.
Here is a spore print done on white paper (didnt have tinfoil)

The spores for this mushroom are white, top of the picture.
I cut out apiece to see if there was a color change, but it stayed white.
Here is another example on white paper, but this mushroom has black spores.
This is an interesting technique i have never heard of. What do you use it for afterwards? :)
The spores that are left on the tinfoil can be mixed with distilled water and sucked into a syringe.
When you inject the spores and water into the right growing conditions, the mycelium grows, and you can make your own mushroom at home.
The pictures you took are of the fly agaric mushroom.
Ok, cool :) is it difficult to create the right growing conditions?
a little. I mix -2 Parts Vermiculite -1 Part Water -1 Part Brown Rice Flour in a glass jar, the pressure cook it for 60minutes. After the spores are injected, the jar must be kept in an area above 18C, but less than 30C. 100% humidity is optimal, but not required depending on mushroom type.
its called BRF tek. Or Brown rice flour technique.
Very nice shots I must say.
Thanks mate, appreciate that :)
I so share your feelings! These are very colorful mushrooms! I can not walk past them and not take pictures. 😍😍😍😍😍😘😗😙😚🤗🤗
That is so true, and that is why everybody has picked twice as much but me as i was stuck with those not edible fungus lol
Hey David you seem to be enjoying the walk and mushroom picking. Awesome shots feels like I am in a tiny world.
It looks like that because of that low angle that i took the images at probably :)
Shroom kingdom!! Lol.. I actually like the low light conditions... We don't get such colourful shrooms here... sighhh...
After i come and visit you, you can easily come and pick some shrooms here with me :) Or just take images of them :) Or you might want to come first :0 Up to you !
Yayyyy... sounds great! I've never been mushroom picking... No mushrooms to pick in the woods here. Hmmm, no woods here! :D
Just an amazing window for those beautiful sinsets :) So my offer stands, let me know when :)
Will do... thank you!! No magic here tonight, blanket grey... :(