The Martin Bridge supports the Mineral Belt Trail as it crosses Seventh Street/CR3 near Fryer Hill and the old Matchless Mine that made Horace A.W. and Baby Doe Tabor filthy rotten rich. ^^ That is a picture of it.
As you can see, it is painted a reddish-orange color which of course makes it the perfect model for today’s Wednesday ColorChallenge.
According to this article I found in Leadville Today, the bridge is named after the late Jim Martin, former mayor of Leadville, commissioner of Lake County, umpire of Little League, and human being of all-around goodwill and great humor, if Leadville Today is to be trusted. Jim passed in 2015 shortly after I moved to town, and I never had the chance to meet him. However, I do often have the chance (and I often take it, too) to walk, run, ski, and otherwise make relentless forward progress across Jim’s namesake bridge. Here you can see that I am using “namesake” to refer to the object that is named. “Eponymous” in this context would refer to the name’s origin; i.e, Jim Martin. The eponym comes from Jim Martin and extends to the Martin Bridge. Do not call the Martin Bridge “eponymous,” because it is not, unless for some reason it has its own namesake that I am simply not aware of. That would actually be pretty funny, come to think of it. Anyway, your dictionary is wrong and you should burn it now.
Moving right along. The Mineral Belt Trail officially opened on July 29, 2000 (I think, and am too lazy to bother verifying in more than the aforementioned resource). Local volunteers from the High Riders Snowmobile Club keep this trail — and also many of the surrounding historic mining district roads — cleared for hiking, showshoeing, and XC skiing during Leadville’s eight long jolly months of winter. (You can see the ski tracks laid down by the HRSC’s snow cat on the right side of the trail.)
I know, I just linked to a Facebook page from Steemit. Sorry. Next time I’ll do a better job.
good morning friends
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