Chateau Lednice - Wednesday ColorChallenge - Yellow

Hello friends,

How many of you out there are the romantic souls? I know you are out there:).... The perfect place to visit to live your romance is the fairytale Unesco Heritage Chateau Lednice which is located in the beautiful wine region of South Moravia of the Czech Republic where love meets with the romance.


Image source: Shutterstock
Author: Petr Kubat

CEO & Founder of CGH


The flowers in the photo look like they can be picked right out of the screen. And of course a very magnificent castle.

LOL, I know right? Thank you for commenting.....Tomas

These pictures that you post are just crazy good. Whoever takes these really needs to have their own exhibit.

I'm amazed at the amount of architecture that Czech Republic has @czechglobalhosts

That is something we are definitely not short of:)....thx

I too posted in Wednesday color challenge you can check it but I agree your post is far better than mine, Upvote again to you and already following you.

Thanks ever so much for your kind words!

This very nice place i want to visit there too

It truly is an amazing place to visit! If you ever come to Prague make an effort to go beyond and explore other part such as Lednice. Feel free to get in touch with me and I will help you out with your itinerary and other planning. Tomas

really its a look a great and beautifull placa @czechglobalhosts

Thank you as always!

Looks perfect for holding a wedding ! So fairytale like.

It certainly does! I might do mine there one day:).....

I hope you will !

its look great

Thank you kindly!

Na světě je strašná spousta míst, kam bych se chtěl podívat. Některá mám doslova na dosah ruky, jiná jsou už trošku z ruky... Ale je to konec konců jedno. Nejde v první řadě o peníze, ale hlavně o čas. Jeden prostě nestihne všechno.

Člověk opravdu nemusí cestovat nějak daleko. ČR má spoustu krásných míst a koutů, kde bohužel mnoho našich spoluobčanů ještě cestu nenašlo.... Snad je někdy objeví:).....

Damm that look Gorgeous

It really is, the picture is not deceiving.... great place to visit!

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Breathtaking this is beautiful.. Hope I will visit one day