ColorChallenge - Red Monday - @mibreit-photo in 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge!

Hello everyone,

Let me introduce you to another great Steemian and a regular contributor to my daily 200 SBD 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge, an amazing photographer @mibreit-photo. Let's give his some recognition and a shout out. In combination with the color challenge, it is a great place to highlight his photo skills and give his hard work some extended publicity and appreciation.

For today's color challenge I picked his entry below:

Two years ago I visited the beautiful Algarve. We had a little house on the cliffs, not far from Praia da Marinha. I went there each morning, trying to take a good photo. But only after three failed attempts I got the right light. The view from the cliffs is awesome. The light on the last morning was the icing on the cake.

Click on the image for full view

To give @mibreit-photo some little support, I am upvoting his post: Travel Time - New Zealand Northland. Feel free to join me.

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

Travel Tip: Hradec nad Moravici, the most fairytale-like chateau in the Czech Republic

7 World's Continents Photo Challenge - week #17 - vote for your favorite picture of the week

ColorChallenge - Yellow Wednesday - @itchyfeetdonica in 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge!

Travel Tip: Prague Zoo, one of the top rated zoos in the world and a Prague must-see

CEO & Founder of CGH


upvote follow resteem.gif


Very nice shot!

Great photo indeed! Amazing choice! Love the color...

awesome photografhy bro like your all photo😊

Your true story is very good
Photo too much good

Anyone know what the color for Tuesday is?

This is an art to show your vision, sharing how deep you see the cats and their natural laziness which makes me smile? thanks

HEY, here are some funny posts and some wallpapers and cryptocurrency news, follow me ! Support each others !

this post very nice..and great photography...i appreciate your contest..carry on my friend!!!!!!!!!! @

This looks like picture from another planet

What a great shot! Love the mood

Good pictures! Pass through my blog and hope you enjoy my new content, greetings :D

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I pick the images for the colorchallenge from daily submissions to my 7 World`s Continents Photo Challenge. Tomas

These colors harmonize so well

Work of art created by God for our enjoyment. A great and beautiful sight that fills the observer with peace. It looks like a postcard!!! Greetings @czechglobalhosts...

What an amazing photo

Thanks for the feature, really apprechiated!!

Well, deserved!

Congrats on being selected for this @mibreit-photo

Breathtaking... Stunning photograph... Thank oyu.

amazing photo

Have a nice day!!!

This calls to my soul. It shrieks of emptiness and isolation, with a shade of optimism brewing on the horizon. I love it.

ALGARVE!!! That's my country! Portugal has some of the best landscapes in the world, lovely people, a great place!... and don't even get me started on the gastronomy, with the amount of good food we have it's a full time job trying not be a fatass :D

Great photo

Thats an amazing photography, i really LIKE it !

Thats a shout out for a Follow !
feel free to check out my travel experiences @rivalzzz

All the best,

Simply Stunning. Must be quite a place to visit.